Aircraft Grade Paint Stripper?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
Adelaide, SA

Apparently you can buy this paint stripper type of stuff. You spray it on, leave it on for about 15 mins and then the paint starts to strip off.

I want to use it on my ignition cover. Does anyone know the exact product I'm talking about and where I can get it?

have you tried normal paint stripper thats the only stuff ive ever heard of.
or thinners maybe.
The best way to get it to work is to scratch the surface of the paint (without damaging the part) cover it in paint stripper (5mm thick) and then wrap in plastic for half an hour.

While you wait for the paint stripper to activate the best thing to do is to take a piss with a bit of paint stripper still on your hands.
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hey mate you could try using this stuff called muckoff its a graffiti remover.
hope this helps.
just try what cass said
muck off wouldnt work well
as spray paint is easy to get of ie , petrol , turps and so on
Aircraft paint stipper will cost a fortune.
there's the AUS dollar...and theres the aviation dollar (10 aviation - 1 AUS) ahaha
just try paint stipper a few times...
wire brush then 2000 wet and dry then autosol then see doctor for RSI in elbow :p
try gasket stripper, itll take just about everything off, including paint, carbon and any other crap that you will find, its about $15 a can from any auto shop.
Aircraft paint stipper will cost a fortune.
there's the AUS dollar...and theres the aviation dollar (10 aviation - 1 AUS) ahaha
just try paint stipper a few times...

Pascal I'm fairly sure its not actually used in airports etc, it could just be the name of it because its soo strong.

I'll have a look at supercheap soon
we got some good paint stripper in the garage, ill go and find out the name of it in a while.
sometimes if its called aircraft paint stripper its specifically for aeroplanes and maintenance for them is tight (you even have to use certified washers that cos like $1 or 2 bux each) LOL
but sometimes they just say it, i've seen a few bikes saying like '6061 aircraft alluminum' and stuff like that...
why do u wonna get the paint off the ignition cover anyway??
i know that we got this paint stripper we used one time and my bro got a little dot on his pants right on top of the knee cap and it burnt straight through his pants and burnt his knee like hell (ha ha). it was some strong ****. it had aircraft in the name. bought it from a hardware like bunnings or this other one. cant really remember because it was a few years ago.
i think it was a red with blue stripes in it. something like that. it took off the paint on this boat that had 4 layers of paint with ease. strong stuff.
do you reckon the lifan engine covers would come out shiny?
Just get some F$%&^* paint stripper from a auto shop and put the stuff on Sid, the color of the can isnt going to help you. You could have had it done by now but you somehow think that the word aircraft is going to help.

Let me give you a tip. Advertising people use the word "aircraft" to make people think that they are buying better stuff.

You often hear the words "aircraft grade alluminum" when looking at pit bike parts. Aside from the fact that alluminimum comes in hundreds of different grades each one for a specific purpose and all of them are suitabe for use somewhere on a plane your "aircraft grade alloy" is just what ever the engineers decided to use.

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