Aircraft Grade Paint Stripper?

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do you reckon the lifan engine covers would come out shiny?
yeah they will

Just get some F$%&^* paint stripper from a auto shop and put the stuff on Sid, the color of the can isnt going to help you. You could have had it done by now but you somehow think that the word aircraft is going to help.

Let me give you a tip. Advertising people use the word "aircraft" to make people think that they are buying better stuff.

You often hear the words "aircraft grade alluminum" when looking at pit bike parts. Aside from the fact that alluminimum comes in hundreds of different grades each one for a specific purpose and all of them are suitabe for use somewhere on a plane your "aircraft grade alloy" is just what ever the engineers decided to use.

aren't you like, 30? and you are argueing over nothing.
I couldnt care less. But I find it funny that you asked how to get the paint off over 10 days ago and have wasted 2 weekends (and in your case probably your school holidays) trying to track down something that you can get at your local shops and you could have your little project done by now.

Im not young enough to know everything anymore so you should keep looking for "aircraft paint stripper" and ignore the advice of a tradesman who used paint stripper just about every day.
yeha im pretty sure any paint stripper will get it off, it may just take a few go's!! just slap it on thick, cover it with foil and then wait like 1/2 hour and scrape it off! if it dosnt work do it again!
I couldnt care less. But I find it funny that you asked how to get the paint off over 10 days ago and have wasted 2 weekends (and in your case probably your school holidays) trying to track down something that you can get at your local shops and you could have your little project done by now.

Im not young enough to know everything anymore so you should keep looking for "aircraft paint stripper" and ignore the advice of a tradesman who used paint stripper just about every day

Errr no I'm not on holidays and I never said I'm going to go out and do this straight away.

I might do it in the future, but not now as I am low on cash.