Another motor expired

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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2007
Reaction score
Brisbane, QLd Australia
Where did that come from..



Hehe you guys should've seen how much smoke that thing was putting out.
just get another new cover and she should be fine (y)
yer the alloy sighter oil slinger might have had a poor defect in the casting..and cracked at high rpm....if you get a steel oil slinger and machine it down to same as the one that broke this blow up will never happen again..i think ive got a spare one floating around...
that only broke after 100s of laps - maybe even close to 1000 laps of Archerfield track. It broke just after a VERY hard engine braking section of the track. 4 to 2nd decompression lock (backing in) into a corner. I'm stoked that motor is even still running.. For the record that motor is a 4st Lifan 125cc. 11.5hp at the wheels.
It's true he abuses that engine so badly on that corner every single time we ride there! I'm surprised that only the slinger broke :eek:
why do you got 4th-2nd why dont you just drop to 3rd flat stick and hit the corner really hard, or are yous talking bout motard crap
why else would it be in the motard section????????????????????????????/
Hey out of interest were do you guys buy rebuild kits or new engines from i also have a 125cc.

high five bro thats wicked
im supprised that your bikes dont do this all the time

guys no_crf_here flogs the liveing shiter out of his donks and thats the worst?

god i love chinnys

best bit is chuck her in da bin snap up another new 1 hey prsto

killer stuff petey
woah mate your lucky it wasnt worse you came out pretty good from that one