ANOTHER problem, bike won't start!

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hey mate did you use any water to clean ur carby or is it possible that water may have got into your carb while you were washing your bike the last time you did so?.... Because this sounds exactly the same as what happened to my bike, it would start with aerostart only... then i took the carby off and gave it a really good clean and noticed that when i emptied the bowl there was soapy water in the petrol... as soon as i got rid of that i chuked the carb bak on and the bike started firts kick! hope it helps ya mate....if not you may have a lemon!
my mate had the same problem he had a dirty fuel filter and the fuel hose was bent try that and see what happens
Ok I have an update. It's my carby. We put my brother's carby on my bike and it worked fine.

What could it be? I have obviously done something while cleaning it yesterday. Could it be the foam thing I posted a picture of? Because I was spraying the carby with the cleaner and hit that and it caused it to become unstuck a bit because the cleaner hit the glue.

If it is water, what's the best way to get it out because it could be in one of the tiny bronze bits.
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yes most likely dirt or something stuck in the jets, just get some CARBY CLEAN (spray can style) sray the hell out of it & you should be good
If it was dirt or something again wouldn't it be overflowing out of one of the breathers? I noticed the back of the carby with the foam filter thing on it can spin around. Could it be that thing is set at the wrong spot?
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pull both the carbs apart and compare them till you find something different :)
I fixed it! Just gave it a 2nd clean and it started. Took it for a ride just then it was mad.

A small second problem now though lol. My bike doesn't idle properly. It idles for about a 1 minute then cuts out. It was warmed up well too because I was riding it around. I heard that there was some sort of idle screw on the bike though that you can twist to fix this?
check ur gaskets when i cleaned my carby out and put it back onto the intake/engine i recked a gasket if the gasket is worn or ripped go to a auto shop and buy some gasket paper its onli a couple of bucks for a roll

hope i helped
What are the gaskets? Are they the things I have circled in this pic? What do they have to do with it conking out when idling?

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yea its the number 3 at the top just use the inlet manifold as a stencle and trace around it and then cut it out easy as.
So the gasket paper from supercheap will be fine and do you guys reckon that's where the problem probably is? Will I need some sort of hole punch to get the little holes?

Also, is this thing the inlet?

I also just figured out that mine isn't stuck onto the engine but my bros is. Could that be the problem? Is it supposed to stick?

Ok I just went out to check the gasket. It looks fine from what I saw. Are there any other gaskets? I know there's that plastic one that is on the inlet which is fine but are there any other paper type like ones I can check?
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Where abouts is the idle screw on a Pitpro and can do I turn it when the bike is on?
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The carby isnt stuck to th egnine?? Like it isnt bolted on?? That would be the problem hahah..
Lol no, I meant the gasket. But I don't think it's that anyway because my gasket looks fine.

Where abouts is the idle screw and what does it look like?
I think its the one on the back of the carby which means you have go round the other side of the bike and get a screw driver over the exhaust pipe and onto the carby, but be carfull I burnt my f*cking hand on the pipe the first time I did this.
Does the bike have to be warmed up or on, or can I just do it when it's not warmed up or started up?

Is this the idle screw?

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It will be hard when the bike isnt on since you wont know what the idle speed is at, so I wouldnt suggest doing it.

Not sure if thats it, I can't remember, Im sure someone else will know.
Awesome it worked. Thanks guys.

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