Anyone Found Some Ramp Plans?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2005
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Hey guys im thinking of building a metal ramp prob round 3ft high just having a $hit of a time finding some plans ne1 point my in the right direction?
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it depends on what type of jump you want. if you want a highth jump you gotta make it have steep angle off the lip. if its a distance jump dont put a big lip on it and make it like 20 degrees.
yeah i want to get a bit of pop off the top of it.
I found this off a site about making full motocross tracks

If you scroll down to Slope angles & bike suspension if says that a bike suspension will manage up to 32-33 degrees change in surface angle, it also says that 30 degrees is an optimum take off jump

but you have to also remember that not to curve the jump up against the bikes suspension.

hope this helps
i did end up finding this but need to get my bike sorted out now i fked up the frame.
ps the man thats a great link.
i cant remember there is on the plans i can only guess it was there.
does anyone know how or where (to find plans) of a decent tabletop jump or some decent sized ( not too big only a beginner) ramps
wait a little longer until you are a little better, i believe you will get bored of a 3ft high ramp once you have improved :)
i tryed too get plans when i built mine with no luck. they were either crappy plans or you had too pay for them. everyone told me just too give it ago so i did an it turned out well. it made out of wood though.

on the other hand ive heard of guys copying the dimensions of an aussie comp then halving everything for the mini. heres the dimensions
^^^ Thats what im doing but cutting it off at the 1.45 meter part. My ramps going to be 1.5 high and 2 meters long, 1 meter wide etc
high??? because that'll do nothing besides give you the littlest amount of air possible try cutting it of ant the 2.05m long.. surrport barcket
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^^^ Thats what im doing but cutting it off at the 1.45 meter part. My ramps going to be 1.5 high and 2 meters long, 1 meter wide etc

Yeah no offence mate but 1.5m high by 2m long wouldn't be a very good ramp...for Trick's anyways...just be a bit of fun.

Id go 1/2 Size FULL Aussie Comp if I were you...more work but Worth it at the end :D
ok cheers well thats what im on here for so i can learn all this. iv never made a steel ramp before and am looking for one that i can use for freestyle just dont want it to cost to much. So take the ful size ramp and scale it down to half its original size?
ok so the ramp would start off at ground level then step up to 0.21 the up to 0.72 then up to 1.3 then the ramp would be 3 meters long and 1 meter wide? and a radius of 4.5 is that correct
my mate built a half size comp ramp an its pretty sick hey clear 25ft wich ithinkin aint to bad for a mini

Check it out!!!


Props to Snowy for the Design ;)


  • Half Aussie Comp MINI RAMP.pdf
    30.4 KB

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