Apollo 250 Hummer

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well took the bike out the back finished off doing up all the bolts fileld her up than took an hour or two just to start it i had a loose wire when i was installing the battery so after thinking it was a fuel issue i finally got the bike started just tested it in me back yard.... either 1st gear is really high ratio or i got a f#&*@% 150cc but i will test it maybe this week heres a few pictures of parts to look out for on ebay as there are some good bikes and some not so good
#1 gear leaver on this model is a little far away from the peg its still usable but theres one other model that has bolted on foot peg mounts this brings the foot peg closer to the gear leaver also gives a better centre of gravity
#2 picture 1-2-3-4 will single out the better models from the others the exhauts has a nice deep 4 stroke thumper sound, waved disk some will have the old round style, the rear shock will be mounted like a propper motocross bike as pictured instead of the shocky bolted directly to the swing arm like pit bikes



dont mind my lawn our mower blew up lol crazzy i bought this bike from Zenith Sports on ebay i won the auction and picked the bike up from a factory in granville down the road from the tafe i paid $1576 to be exact check the link below or kazuma in wollongong has the 200cc and 250cc hummers think the 200cc was $1800 and the 250cc not in stock yet $2200
heres some more pictures of my bike
Zenith Sports )))===> http://search.ebay.com.au/_W0QQfgtpZ1QQfrppZ25QQsassZzenithQ5fsportsQQssPageNameZSTRKQ3aMEWNQ3aMESOI
but take note the quality is good but bike may not be a genuine 250cc as there was no marking on the box and the user manual is for 150-250cc someone just marked the box with 250cc that i wasnt very impressed with also theres a little bit of slack in the kick start as this being a new bike i had to move it foward as it hits the foot pegs and didnt want to burn out the starter motor so dont take any notice of this




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haha crazy1 i think u need to see one in person mate ;) alot of people thought i was buying a peice of crap untill they helped me get it out of the crate now there thinking of buying one theres only 3 diferent versions of these bikes from china theres the one with the huge front mud guard and looks like a road trail (full size) and the other one looks like a yamaha TT 150 (3/4th small bike) and the hummer this one is by far the best for value if that dirt hill down the road from your house has been washed away or i can actually get over it i will give u a buzz when i go out there so u can sus out the hummer
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dont tell me, there is the road trail one? that is set up and looks like it could be regesterd? theres your hummer... and then there is that poorer quality one that i seen in zenath other products
I think you made a very good choice in this bike. welds look good, finish look good, overall looks look good, the zhongshen engine is not something to have 2nd thoughts about.

Just about the best looking "bigger wheel" china dirt bike ive seen.
Man, being a rookie in this forum sucks...I cant post links see attached files cuz I havent posted enough.
crazzy #1, theres this model u can buy it for arond $1500 on ebay http://www.kazumamotorcycles.com.au/ProductsCheetah125.htm
or u can buy these following bikes
SCRAMBLER 150-175 06 3/4 Dirt Bike $1400-$2200 simular to the TTR's
LONCIN LRX 250 GY Trail Bike for $2800
the guy at zuma told us the scrambler wont keep up with the hummers so $ for bike what would u buy? i know im happy with my purchase of the hummer ;)
lear arse lance, the husky is a 250cc 2 stroke the hummer is a 250cc 4 stroke not only will i ride both im a nice enough guy to let someone else ride the bikes...
Redstar, ur right mate the welding looks good for chinamans work also the zongshen motor "meets japanese quality standards" tell me this thing aint ganna last 2 years ;) i have only rode it around the back yard but so far its the best quality made chinese dirt bike ive bought and no clonking when putting into gear motor is smooth as silk
.::Fanatic::., u can always upload your pictures to www.photobucket.com than post the (IMG) link here and it will upload ur picture as for viewing pictures let me know if u cant open them i will post URL's so u can see btw i had over 1200 post i go away for 9 months come back ive got no post left so i know what ya mean ;)
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cheatah is what my mate has, well his is called a photong?

i think the guy will need something with abit more grunt... (he is a truckie) he got along good on my pitty but the suspension were sitting abit low :(
haha anything is better than those cheatah's the rear suspension on the hummer is adjustable mine is set to the softest setting and im 74-75kg's when i sit on the bike it bairly moves but i'd have to reccomend a 300cc chinese 4 wheeler for ya mate
best chinese bike for a heavy rider would be the hummer as the wheel to mud guard clearance is massive but not sure if it'll have the power his looking for other than that tell him to buy a japanese or european 400cc+ to lug him around or stick it out untill china brings out the hummer 300cc wont be long untill that happens they should be coming out in water cooled models aswell seeing as the 4 wheelers have already
the oldie wants a 4wheeler, he got a 110cc LMAO ended up being to small... and the bushes wore out way to soon
Man my mate bought one and it sits in peices now, couldnt take a thrashin, frame went after some big jumps then the fkn swingarm shock setup broke
franky the bikes are designed for bush riding,paddocks,farms NOT motocross hence why the frame bent and shocky snapped a european and japanese road trail will do the same
whats better???

i would like to buy my first mini bike soon but unsure i just checked out a bike called hummer atomik with a 250cc engine are theses bikes any good ?? and how much are they???

or would a pitpro 138cc be better???
Pitpro 138cc, dont bother with those 250cc very hard to get parts for whereas the 138cc parts are very readily available.
took the bike out today for a rip went to white rock met up with a mate and one of his friends they were on a RM125 00 and a old IT175 went for about a 2 hour bash through the bush the hummer handled awesome alot better than my expectations i rode it hard front shocks took a hammering three times back shocky once the frame took a fair bit of punishment and stood up to the job at first i forgot to pump up the front wheel but theres no garages near the track so went a head for a ride was 70% pumped was only going to run the bike in slowly but got a little over excited ;) the feel to the bike feels a tad top heavy but easily over come when ur having fun on a new bike i think this is from the short wheel base the steering was awesome after the tyre was pumped up went where u wanted it with no narsty habits from the ugly ruts or picking bad lines she handled like a beauty easy to lift the front wheel over any ruts,ditches,trees etc... front and rear brakes were responsive and worked good the frame was solid even with the punishment i gave it after about 1 hour of riding i had to stop adjust the clutch than she was on her way again the motor is good quality even if it is chinese made! gears were smooth easy to sellect neutral nice and responsive at the touch of the throttle no hitting neutral between 1st and 2nd and this is no bull sh.. so take it how u wish me mate on the RM125 said he was finding it hard to keep up with the hummer had we swapped i reckon both bikes would be the same and yes he is a good rider :)
a couple of things seem to have slight problems and i cant fix it untill i check out what i can and cant do without voiding my warranty the loose wire stopped the bike from starting and theres noise coming from the chain left engine case cover so i have to speak to the seller to find out if i can rip in to her my self with a new replacement wire harness or take it into a shop
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