Apprentice Mechanic

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yer i live in nsw, im not tryin to get an apprentiship just yet but wanna be prepared for the end of the yr.
For the people that say do yr 12 because u will have more oportunities if u wanto do somethin else i dnt think thats for me cas being a mechanic is all i see myself doing
9 buks and hour is good for a 16 year old but not anything else IMO
yea, its alright right now, doing it later is harder because of bills. The problem is i earn $11.40 a hour at a supermarket, and im still getting a education that can put me in Uni. There are a few bonus things for yr 12 leavers, like extra $$ ect. But by the time yr 12 leavers are on there 2nd year, you are fully qualified. so its really up to you.
yeah, the government gives you a $1000 grant or some **** if your a builder to help pay for all your tools and theres some new centrelink think where they give you a bit of extra dosh for being a tradey so ive heard
Tools for your trade is for all apprentichips. $800 bucks dosent get you many tools though. I spent over 10k on tools before I finished my apprentiship and I could have spent another 5k without even trying.
thanx for all ur help guys u have made my decision alot easyer and i think i will leave after yr 10 if i do manage to get an apprenaship if not ill keep tryin while im at school until i can get one
Hey i did my mechanics cert1 through school in that having to do 200 hours of work experence to quallify, now i have cert1 in automotives and the place i did work experence at employed me as a aprentice small engine mechanic at a chainsaw and motorbike shop, its only a three and a half year aprentiship. Not the highest payed trade when your quallified but its a easy job and i enjoy it. I'd leave school if you wanted to go into a trade as soon as you can, earning 300 a week isn't much if your suporting you self and not living with your family. So i'd do it now while you still live with them to save up.

hope my info helped cheers
1st year motor mechanic should get about 14 grand in a year. thats not bad for a 15-16 year old who lives at home. but yes tools are expensive. i have just turned 2nd year motor mechanic this year and have spent an easy 4 grand on tools. 800 bucks diddnt even get me the bottom half of my roller. but you get $500 form the governent every 6 months now to encourage you to finish your trade. that 500 you can spend on anything, doesnt have to be work related. just letting you know abit about that sort of thing if you go through with it
hey how do people go about finding apprentiships? iv heard work experience is good?
sign up with a job agency, their pretty helpful an work experience is a good place to start
I live in Victoria in year 10 and i am doing a tafe course on automotive. It is good and will probably stay to around year 11 or 12 but keep going on with tafe. The tafe teacher has recently got a person a job at a 4X4 shop. So il do school and tafe
hey how do people go about finding apprentiships? iv heard work experience is good?

Read my post up a bit further. Nothing beats showing that you are keen. Young blokes these days dont even know how to present themselves to prospective employers. Most of the guys doing the hiring (and firing) are going to be 30 to 45 year old guys who appreicate somebody who puts an effort in to coming in to introduce themselves and drop off a CV. If they say that they have nothing at the moment ask if they expect to have someting in the future and follow up. Whatever the result of the first meeting with the boss I would recomend going back every couple of months and just refreshing their memory. Offer to do some after school cleaning/**** kicking. If the boss sees you come back looking for work every three months or so they may create a new apprentichip because they see a keen motivated young man who is passionate about doing that particular trade.
And also turning up with some stupid messy hair cut and your arse hanging out the top of your pants and a pierced eyebrow may look cool around your mates but wont impress the middle aged owner of the shop.
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cass is on the ball.
i done work experience for a week in the school holidays before the christmas holidays. then at the end of that that offered me an apprenticeship. then i rang up and asked if i could work there on friday afternoons instead of doing school sport. they ended up paying me which was a bonus.
I have done recruiting and your presentation and keenness to do the work are the first things I look for. It is all attitude in getting the job. Keeping the job is where your ability comes in.

In other words if you really want to be a mechanic you should have no trouble being motivated to look for a job and do what it takes to get one. If you really want to be a plumber dont apply to be a mechanic. When I was at the panel shop we would get a bunch of kids thru the door every year and the same kids also went to mechanics, auto eletricians, plumbers, etc and we didnt employ or even consider any of them. The ones who only went to panel shops and kept coming back were the ones who got the jobs.
What's the big problem with going school based?
I am and loving it...
I have my panel beating apprenticeship on Fridays and pupil free days which pays just about nothing and I also have a part time job at hungries, I get paid more there than my apprenticeship.

Just stay at school, talk to your Guidance officer and tell him/her that you hate school and want an apprenticeship, they'll probably point you towards a school based apprenticeship, that way you still get year certificate.
school based apprenticeships are a good idea. i got accepted into one as yr11/12 was still in the window for me. however you have to cach up on some days of school work. at the end of the two years you only have cert.1.
where in if you leave school you will have cert.3 by the time the yr12 leavers are 3rd year. either way when you finish your apprenticeship you can do post trade courses and get cert.4
Nothing wrong with how you get the apprentship. School based is fine. I was giving tips on how to land a job full stop without any assistance. When I was an apprentice (only finished it a year ago) the guys at TAFE who were placed by group apprentschip schemes were the lowest paid (always on the minimum). The guys who sourced thier own jobs probably got $100 a week more (same age) and in most cases the boss also paid the TAFE fees.
where abouts do you live... If you are interested in doing atleast some of year 11 then Australian Technical College will line you up with a Mechanics apprenticeship part time.... I signed up this year and and i work at QBN engine service two days a week... u should really consider it because there are plenty of great incentives for school based apprentices these days... if u want more info email me or add me to msn... [email protected] catcha round
i got a school based apprenticesship that (if i worked five days a week) would be paying me as much as my mate who is a second year apprentice butcher at woolies... one bloke i work with Callum worked as a school based apprentice for 18 months then my boss offered him a full time job... if u want it bad eneough you should care how you get it... your a bit to picky if u turn this down

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