Archerfield Motards Sat 11 Jan

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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2007
Reaction score
Brisbane, QLd Australia
I'll be at Archerfield (Brisbane) Pro-Dirt Mini Moto Plex - come down & watch/join in the fun.

What you need.
1. bike
2. Pants
3. Pads knee/elbow
4. Gloves
5. leather jacket
6. Skid lid

$20 8am-1pm

Guys you don't need a special bike to get out there and play. People there with dirt tyres & have a blast. So no BS excueses.

Small snacks & drinks onsite. lunch BYO
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See you there Pete, Wain is coming to cheer us on lol.
Just got back from a outstanding day, i'll spend some time and get as many photos up as possible.

Vid 1 - You can back in a china bike!!!
Higher quailty movie here
another one backing it in
Squeeby droping a knee
Peet Aka ME laping Archerfield




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hey the vid was killer

were did ya get ya leathers from and was graham there?

also get a better cam ya tight ass the quality sux hehehe

be there soon just need time jetskiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hehehehe
You got some good lean angles on those Kendas Pete! :eek: Am I the new kid? I don't get it lol. I'm about to check our your video and I'm uploading two from today of my own. One onboard video and another one of pockets and mintards.
about bloody time squeebs ppls been waitin

pete only looks like he's leanin coz some won was puting the camera on an angle hehehe

feetup boys feetup

i no ino cant wait to come for a blast need tard rim set up yet so mgive time
the action was good with a fierce fight between pete and squeebs for who was faster, unfortunately was not able to ride today myself but came out with pom poms to cheer for the minimotards.........
ohh yeah had a camera aswel but pete is taking care of those pics/ vids
lol.. @ 2.28 in first vid squeeby i thought u where gonna stack it!

Is ur gear right for that track? Doesnt seem like ur reving it out all the way down the straight.

Also, I hate tracks with tyres to mark out the track. U cant get kneedown while taking the corner perfect.... should have ripple strips. Always clip ur feet etc..

Cool vids guys
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I could probably rev it out but I was having issues with the front tyre rubbing on the fork leg which would be like having the brakes on and also front end issues like braking too hard resulted in big wobbles and the suspension would play up big time on corner exit so I was taking it easy to some extent.
Lol yeah it does look like I'm about to crash, I was coming in a bit fast and had my arse right off the bike trying to pull it around before hitting the tyre wall lol.
Funny you mention that about the tyres lining the course, Mick had a big off as a result of clipping one and ended up in hospital on Saturday morning. I made thread about it you can read up on it there.

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