Are we a pac of meat heads?

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so if im not mistaken there is no reg for mini bikes ?
Some one has to be to blame. If its not the un registered bikes getting picked on its the 4wd users.

its thoes ******* that dump the rubbish on the trails and the guys in 4wd driving in water stuffing the tracks not the pit bike riders i got told buy the police that there are letting it go for now untill they open up a track in brisbane made for pit bike riders and un registered bikes so there is a legal place to ride thats what i got told buy a police officer he said the main reason is the **** heads doing donuts in the middle of the tracks
What the?

Anyone complaining that they can't rec reg their pit bike needs to get off their ar$e and do some research, there are plenty of rec reg kits available and rec reg is cheap!

You're not a meat head for "not owning big registable bikes", you're a meat head for failing to research the issue. If you are doing something illegal that negatively effects an entire group, you're a meat head.

Public liability doesn't come in to play, you cannot sue the government if you crash while riding on state owned land on an unregistered bike.

That said, the whole nanny state issue is complete BS.

I did some research, and as far as I can tell there is no rec lic in Qld and if you really want to you can sue anyone for anything. I could brake into someones house, fall throught there roof, brake my leg and sue them for duty of care!
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I did some research, and as far as I can tell there is no rec lic in Qld and if you really want to you can sue anyone for anything. I could brake into someones house, fall throught there roof, brake my leg and sue them for duty of care!

No, you couldn't.

This is all essentially an aside in any case... There are clear laws regarding how and where you can ride your pit bike. If you didn't look up the laws before you bought a mini, tough biscuits, time to move to another state or stick to the tracks. Illegally riding in the bush isn't going to help your cause, join the MRA and have some input on the issue!

Go to a local MRA meeting, or contact them via other means, and focus on the reduced impact mini bikes have on fire trails, the mass appeal, the age of the riders, etc... Cut the BS and get involved in changing the way mini bikes and their riders are perceived! ;)

There are clear rules regarding discussion of illegal activity on this forum. If you are stupid enough to complain that people look down on you for doing something illegal, you're a meat head.
No, you couldn't.

This is all essentially an aside in any case... There are clear laws regarding how and where you can ride your pit bike. If you didn't look up the laws before you bought a mini, tough biscuits, time to move to another state or stick to the tracks. Illegally riding in the bush isn't going to help your cause, join the MRA and have some input on the issue!

Go to a local MRA meeting, or contact them via other means, and focus on the reduced impact mini bikes have on fire trails, the mass appeal, the age of the riders, etc... Cut the BS and get involved in changing the way mini bikes and their riders are perceived! ;)

There are clear rules regarding discussion of illegal activity on this forum. If you are stupid enough to complain that people look down on you for doing something illegal, you're a meat head.

yes you can there was a case i think a year ago someone broke into some guys house fell down the stairs and broke hes leg the owner of the house he broke into got sued because the robber broke hes leg the robber won the case and i pretty sure there was another case where a robber got bashed nearly to death and the owner got in trouble for bashing this guy so you can
yes you can there was a case i think a year ago someone broke into some guys house fell down the stairs and broke hes leg the owner of the house he broke into got sued because the robber broke hes leg the robber won the case and i pretty sure there was another case where a robber got bashed nearly to death and the owner got in trouble for bashing this guy so you can

You can certainly be charged for bashing a robber. I'd love to see the article from 'i think a year ago'... The Australian article.
You can certainly be charged for bashing a robber. I'd love to see the article from 'i think a year ago'... The Australian article.

yer if you suspect they are a robber if you hit them in anyway they can sue you because they can say they wern't robbing you here's a link ( i don't know if its in Australia but i think its from New Zealand so it should be the same) How Crap Is This...
yer if you suspect they are a robber if you hit them in anyway they can sue you because they can say they wern't robbing you here's a link ( i don't know if its in Australia but i think its from New Zealand so it should be the same) How Crap Is This...

1. In no way does NZ law reflect or provide precedent in Australian law.
2. Since when was a forum a reputable source?
On top of that, assault falls under what can be construed as 'reasonable force'. If I interrupt a burglar and they run, it is reasonable to tackle them and restrain them for the sake of arrest. If I then proceed to bounce their head off the ground a few times to teach them a lesson, I have just assaulted them.

If said burglar attacks me, with or without a weapon, it is reasonable to defend myself with a weapon (within reason). If they die in the process, providing you can show that you used 'reasonable force' to defend yourself out of fear for your safety you are not guilty of anything.

Ignorance of the law is not a defence under any circumstances.

I'm still waiting for this so called article.
Hey!! Chill the f**k out you pack of meat heads!! :LolLolLolLol:
If you really want to ride in the bush get a registered MX bike or a Motovert RX. If you have a pit bike come and race next year on proper tracks..... The more people that support the racing the better the racing will be and the better that the tracks will be.
also you dont need a MA license to ride at fort lytton.. and they open a lot and its 40 bucks for the whole day.. and they race 2nd weekend of every month...
If you really want to ride in the bush get a registered MX bike or a Motovert RX. If you have a pit bike come and race next year on proper tracks..... The more people that support the racing the better the racing will be and the better that the tracks will be.

I'm keen, have to work this Saturday but will be keen the following, do they have an open class for the slower blokes? Still kinda new to the moto's, I've got the dpro 160. I might have to down one friday arv. I suppose its still $40 for a few hours friday arv!
racing is once a month on the second weekend of every month.... racing was Sunday just gone.. so next5 race is a month away.. but practice is all other weekends.. they have a 12 inch class but the put adults on 10 inches in em.. but we are all there to have fun.. once i get my suspension i will be racing and i know i wont be winning anything lol... i never been on a track before only ever ridden on mate property.. plus the more support we get they might get a B class for us noobs... lol

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