atomik blitz help

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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2010
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Morisset,Central Coast
hi ive had my atomik blitz for a while and i still carnt get it to run propley when i open it to full throttle it coughs and splutters but if i run it with half choke it seams to run fine carnt put my finger on it maybe someone else has had the same problem
someone a while ago had a similar problem and it turned out to be one of the coil wires with a bad connection...

other than that just do the usual if ya havent already... clean the carby out, retune it, set the valves, check for vacuum leaks.
hi ive had my atomik blitz for a while and i still carnt get it to run propley when i open it to full throttle it coughs and splutters but if i run it with half choke it seams to run fine carnt put my finger on it maybe someone else has had the same problem

tune your carb brooooo

na seriously, just tune your carb

thats how i would fix the problem :)

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