atomik is disgraceful to the pitbike scene

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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
Adelaide, SA


except for the ****** bidding on the black atomik RS atm.. hahah 940$ for a 125cc. get a f**kin MSO X7R even comes wif the fast ace shock.. *******
its the recomended retail price whats wrong with it?
^^^ couldnt agree more, all these Atomic/Orion Bashing threads the past day or so are total ********!!!

atomik is disgraceful to the pitbike scene its comments like that which are disgraceful!!

for christ sake get over, if you dont like the bikes, get something else, dont spend all day creating threads about how descraceful they are, without the atomics/orions the pitbike scene wouldnt be half what it is now!!!

sure the early ones had issues, but its call DEVELOPMENT and they are getting better model by model!!

get over it Sidney

your a discrace to this forum
Sidney, your miniriders rep has decreased from 0.0000000000002 to 0.0000000000001
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its just a recommended retail price!!!
who ever even cares about something like that must be a LONER.
i could sell a bike now and say rrp$39,999 but no one would giv a ****, maybe laugh, wat a stupid thread!
but i just can't stand ppl making stupid threads like this.
i mean, yeh, bagg a bike if u like, but who rlly gives a f*** about how much they say it cost?
does ANYBODY on this forum giv a ****?
Recommended Retail Prices are set buy the manufacturer, Not by the retailer. I bet the manufacturer who sold the bike for $200-$300 or less didn't put a RRP of $3999, it's called a marketing strategy that millions of retailers use to sell there wears.
Yes Atomik are being ridiculous at putting such a high RRP on there bikes and maybe even a bit underhanded. But I wouldn't call it a disgrace to the pitbike scene, If they were actually selling them at there shop for $3999 that would be a disgrace!!
I ask, Does anyone in the pitbike scene believe they are worth $3999? NO...
Would anyone in the pitbike scene pay $3999? NO...
It maybe ur neighbor or friend that thinks he or she is getting a great deal and buy the bike for $700. And what do you know. yet another friend to go ridin with.
If it gets ppl on bikes, it's all good!!!!!!!!!!!
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i certainly wouldn't pay 4 grand for an atomik, the only chinese bike that is worth 3 grand or more that comes to mi mind is a motovert and i wouldn't pay that for a china.
if ya wonna complain han ring all ur friends and tell em that atomik motorbikes hav an overpriced rrp, and do u think any1 will care??
NO! so why would we!
i reckon atomiks are good i woudnt pay 4 g's but still there trying to make a sale
if its such a stupid thread dont comment in it dont spend ur time bashing it you dont like it read another one. now hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm were have i herd something like this befor. every one is entitled to ther opinion

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