backfiring, running bad

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Jan 21, 2008
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i just replaced the valve seals put it all back together and after it not even staring i got her goin.
NOW it running like a bucket of poo. It will only start on full choke and when its off choke it blows blue smoke and runs like its missing and skipping and backfiring like a B**CH. i give it some stick and it almost stalls but when it gets hi revs it just runs worse.
could it be the timing?? i reset it to what i think it right. but on the fly wheel where the notch on the caseing lines up with the lil T, on the front cog where the dot is and there a notch on the head it dosent quite line up, that bad??
as far as i know eveything is tight and good, sept for one of the bolts for the carby with is broken.

it sounds like ur runnin in to rich if theres blue smoke .. try adjustin how rich or lean ur fuel/air is on the carby .. that mite help ... other than that i dont no ay :confused:
I assume you mean one of the bolts that hold the carby to the manifold (or mainfold to the head) is the broken bolt.

If you have an air leak between your carby and the head your bike will run like crap. Fix the broken bolt first up then see what happens.

If you didnt paly with the carby when you had the engine apart dont mess with now as you will only create more problems.
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wont run as bad as he is explaining with an airleak, i rode one of my bikes with an airleak for ages it just wouldnt idle and miss a little bit of power, it still got up and took off
temp fix is elect tape..
still havin mad problems with it. anyone live near penrith that could help me haha.
i got a new blot for it but it still running really bad. im sure its the timing, any help with that?

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look at this vid on you tube. if it dont work goto and type in PITPRO whats wrong with it
<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value=""> </param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> </embed> </object>

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