yeh well def be doing that again and at same spot that was a great place! im thinking June? ill make a new thread but with a poll when we all can agree on a date?
Oh and tina. took me 10 mins and i got my bike Working better then befor

oh i love mechanics. haha makes you feel like you can fix anything hehe..
i took Fuel line filter off and tuned my carb it was running to lean..
Anyways you all wanted a full report well here it is
We started off at around 10:30 Reeces bike was Well fudged his irk screwed up somthing shocking.. !! and it happend befor i got there haha!! and we were cruising around on the trail taking on the only jump there witch i managed to get a good metre or two air time and anthany with his battle tank crusing by me letting him pass (cuase i was just getting used to the track hehe) and well my bike was running sick... Kinked fuel line so she was spewing but keeping up but she wasnt getting anough fuel so her performance wasnt at her best. (fixed now) well we went through some single tracks Awsome fun loved it real cruisy and i loved ripping up the roots in my way. we got to the first mud hole and i just gunned it hehe Amazenly i didnt get to muddy

and we went past another one then we got on the road and reeces exuast Came off but we picked it up and cruised on up to the creak crossing witch was Fun as and Real refreshing from the heat. then 10 metres up we got a pic of us all

we carried on about 10 mins untill we were stopped by anthonys heroic mud gunning (he tackled the mud hole and he Went splat he also could get out hehe) and all of us Went on the side haha like the smart people we are.
Well we went on further then Reeces Rear hub Smashed so we tina towed him back and thats when my bike started chucking a fit and wasnt getting anough fuel so we had reece slowing us down and me slowing us down even more hehe.
But awsome fun! i will be more prepared next time and i NEVER stacked !! haha what a record last fun ride i Stacked more times then i could count hehe.