
Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2010
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Whats the deal with bigfoots? I dont race but i ride round on pretty rough terain and some times jump. Worth getting oneor save a few bucks and just get a normal pit bike?
Been covered befor. Use this next time:

Bigfoot = Gay. Evrybody knows it and they can't even be called a pitbike.. In syaing this bigfoots are better for bush, sand and rough spots. Your choice.

Instead of getting a gay bike have a look at Atomik nitrous, DHZ.

Unless your good with a spanner or like to work on bikes save up and get something a bit better. Either way your going to be in need of help when you get a new bike so take a look at these threads (This is a basic thing to what you should do to your bike once you get it):


First thing you do to the engine is drop the shipping oil and put in some new stuff:
- Shell Advance 4T Motorbike Oil - 15W-40, 1 Litre - Supercheap Auto
- Castrol Activ 4T Motorbike Oil - 15W-50, 1 Litre - Supercheap Auto

Then check your valves... VERY IMPORTANT!!:
- YouTube - How to check valve timin on Honda 50 70 cc motors

That'll get you ready to ride your new pride and joy. Might want to have a look at some mods to do to your bik as well:

What ever you get you'll be happy as larry with it ;).

Welcome to
Mitch if you really want a bigfoot, and yes, they do handle rougher terrain better than 14/12's do, then consider the Miniblitz (Mikilon D8-125) from Cob and Co.
They are a far better bike than either the atomik raining, or the shitpor bigfoot... 125 motor isnt the biggest weapon in the shed, but the handling of the bike will make it quicker than the other two....

click the link below...
125cc THUMPSTAR MOTORBIKE DIRT BIKE MOTOR PIT BIGFOOT - eBay, Trail Bikes, Motorcycles, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 25-Jul-10 17:34:44 AEST)

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