bike dies after 5 minutes

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Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2009
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my bike starts first kick and runs good but after riding around for 5 minutes it just bogs out and dies. Its like once it warms up it just dies? But once it let it cool off it will start again? could it be something with the bikes electrics? like it warms up some part and then it plays up?

how hot is it getting?

sounds like its over heating..
how too hot,it gets just hot,like you can touch it and not get burnt.
Make sure the vent on the fuel cap isnt blocked. Same thing happend to me.
Yeah haha i spent about that long trying to work out what it was to haha
fuel flows as it should,valve adjustment is good too,as i just did it and it starts first kick from cold.?????
I had this problem and it turned out my stator was kaput. but the problem slowly built up to the point where the bike would die after 5mins (once it warmed up).

what motor are you running?
i have replaced my cdi,coil and sparky, i am running a kinroad,its a 2004 model so i guess its had a good run,so you rechon it needs a new stator? how much and where can i get one of those?

My pit bike did that, turned out to be the rings were just about gone.
well I wouldn't say it's the stator for sure, just saying that's what the problem ended up being when my bike did this. could be a heap of other causes. never heard of a kinroad before, if it's got the lifan 125 style stator then it's a pretty cheap fix
i had this problem to man its the carby not sucking enof fuel once its hot
thanks for the info,plus when the bikes running it wont rev out like you can flaten it and it will rev but only up to a certain point. cauce when i was riding it was fine and then it just wouldn't rev out. thanks
i have got 3 clips on my carby what clip would i put it on to make more fuel come through?? cauce it might be not getting enough once its hot????i think it is one down??
yep going down a clip richens the mix, what carby is it? usually they have 5 clip settings to play with

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