Bike for your Budget

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Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2008
Reaction score
East Doncaster, Melbourne
Don't think this was seen in the other thread so made a new one :p
I don't know much about motoverts and braaaps or any other bike i've missed that is worth a that's where you guys come in :p

Spent a few hours on this so it better help people lol

Haven't really read over it but I'm hoping to get your input to fine tune this and add any bikes I've missed out or things to add or change about it. Basically shows people their options for each price range and a bit about what they will get.

Bike for your Budget

All of these bikes are JUNK. Poor quality and poor customer service, not worth it, keep saving or you will be disappointed.

$500 - $1000 = ATOMIK, PITPRO, DHZ
For the bottom half of this price bracket you’re looking at an Atomik Nitrous. Not a bad bike, but you can do a lot better. Fine if the riding isn’t too serious and you don’t mind a fairly rough ride. Take is easy on the jumping. If you decide on a Nitrous the best buy would be the 160cc.
Moving up to the $800 mark is the Pitpro 125cc. Pitpro is basically an overpriced Nitrous. Has a spare kit but still not justified.
At the top of this price bracket is something like a DHZ DPRO 125. This is a better quality bike than the Atomik and Pitpro, but the lower range of the DHZ bikes. The after sales service of DHZ is well recognised and parts are readily available from their website. If your budget is at this end of this price bracket, you’re probably best to save a little bit more for one of DHZ’s more recognised bikes.
Recommended upgrades straight out of the box for these bikes would include a quality chain (RK, D.I.D), Uni filter, fuel filter, NGK spark plug, grips, Pro Taper handlebars, Tyres (Kenda Carlsbad).

$1000 - $1500 = PITPRO, DHZ
For slightly over $1000 you can get a DHZ Outlaw 140 which is similar to the DPRO 125 but with a Zongshen 140cc engine and oil cooler.
Moving up to around $1200 you can get a new release DPRO 140. This is getting more serious with a ¼ turn throttle and big bore exhaust on the Zongshen 140cc engine. Certainly a bike to consider in this price range.
There are Pitpro 140cc and 150cc bikes moving up around this price range however it is not something you would buy when you can get a DHZ for the same price or cheaper!
At the top of this price range is the DHZ DPRO 160. Much like the other DPRO’s but the extra dollars on this bike is going towards the Pitsterpro 155z engine. If you’re looking to race then an engine like this is a good start.
Recommended upgrades straight out of the box for these bikes would include a quality chain (RK, D.I.D), Uni filter, fuel filter, NGK spark plug, grips, Pro Taper handlebars, Tyres (Kenda Carlsbad). However NGK spark plug is stock in DHZ bikes and often free Pro Taper handlebars.

$1500 - $2000 = PITPRO, DHZ, REVMX
Once again, you can get something like a Pitpro 160cc, but you wouldn’t when you have all the DHZ bike options.
Mid way in this price range is the DHZ Outlaw 160R. This is a great bike and something to look at if you’re starting to get serious about racing. This bike has power with the Pitsterpro z160 HO engine. The ride is improved with the suspension, GPX Moto Black Label 735mm USD Forks up front and DNM(MTG-RC) 850LBS PIGGY Back 290L Rear Shock. This ride and engine with a ¼ throttle will get you round the track with no problem.
Recommended upgrades straight out of the box for this bike would include a quality chain (RK, D.I.D), Uni filter, fuel filter, grips, Pro Taper handlebars, rim locks. Pro Taper handlebars included.
For $1999 you can get the RevolutionMX TTR 155z. Here you are introduced to linkage bikes, which have a rear suspension linkage setup like big bikes. This creates a smoother ride and really keeps the rear end held to the ground for the power you’re after. DNM front and rear suspension, Zongshen 155z engine, this is a race bike. Complete spares kit so the only initial upgrades would be grips. This is worth buying and great value for money.

$2000 - $2500 = REVMX, CINIWORX
Stepping up there is the RevolutionMX TTR 175z which is the same as the TTR 155z but has the added power of the Zongshen 175z engine.
Also there is the Ciniworx CXZ175. Similar to the RevMX TTR175z, this bike is suitable to race. It has Weston forks and Fastace rear shock combined with the linkage for a smooth ride. Choice of MOLKT or OKO carby. Red billet CNC parts everywhere (hubs, triple clamps, throttle, etc). Also comes with complete spares kit so grips are the only initial upgrade, however better stock grips than the cheaper bikes. The after sales service from Ciniworx is truly fantastic and you really get looked after. This is worth every cent.
Choosing between the RevolutionMX and Ciniworx will come down to personal preference and probably location for postage and after sales service (RevMX NSW, Ciniworx VIC).

$2500 - $3000 = Pitsterpro
For this price range there is the Pitsterpro X4R. Pitsterpro is basically the benchmark for pit bikes. The X4R has the GPX Moto 155z engine, GPX Moto 33mm inverted forks and GPX DNM Piggy Back rear shock. This bike is most certainly quality, however does not have the linkage setup that the RevMX, Ciniworx CXZ and Pitsterpro LXR has. So it would be worth considering the option of those 3 bikes, as you can get the RevMX and Ciniworx cheaper than the X4R.

$3000 - $3500 = Pitsterpro
The Pitsterpro LXR is a bike that other bikes are often compared to due to its quality and reputation as a benchmark for pit bikes. It is a great bike, pretty top of the range. It has the GPX Moto 155z engine, GPX Moto 33mm inverted forks and the first to introduce the linkage suspension setup in pit bikes. This bike has everything you need. Considering the RevMX and Ciniworx is worth the thought as they are a fair bit cheaper and have basically copied the LXR.

All I can say is add some links too, references about the bikes or the sellers of the bikes. Gives people an idea on who to buy off.

Otherwise I like :D:D:D
It's really quite a hard thing to completely break down as there is 4 different types of braaaps and like a trillion different types of motoverts and even pitster pros. Just pitster pros new 10'er the stocka would need to be in there.

Braaaps 10'er start at $2000 and are actually a decent bike as there bloody solid. 88cc motor and come with plenty of "****" factor.
The maestro lacks linkage and starts at about $3500 for a 140cc and up to 4000 for a 150cc I THINK. Also covered in bling and eye candy with the alloy frames.
Mid size Pro I have no info on but it a crf70 copy and i think you can only get it with a 125cc or 140cc. Pricing no idea.

Then you need to put in the motovert bikes. Which I don't know a lot on. But regardless if this thread is put up in general people are still going to ask in this thread about bikes. This won't be the end of people asking! Like this only gives a rough idea, people will want to know the best to motard and bikes for there kid. Like motoverts 10'er are better for kids then braaap 10'er as braaaps are build for adults not kids.

I have a head ache thinking about this! Good job trav. I guess we can alway add to it anyway as we get more info, just needs all the bike brands in there and all the different bikes. Like clearly there is some motovert that are a rip off that we can mention and then suggest a lower priced bike as it may be the same quality.
Like clearly there is some motovert that are a rip off that we can mention and then suggest a lower priced bike as it may be the same quality.

Exactly so dont bother with the Braaaaps because there is EASILY better bikes for the price ... i mean 3500-4000 for a crf style midsize .... no way in this world would i pay that.
Yeah maestro and pro I reckon are worth leaving out too. But put the 10'er 88cc braaap in, its worth a mention. I frickin' love mine!
Yeh I tried covering the MAIN bikes out there that we get the most questions about. Like sure Ciniworx has a range of bikes other than the CXZ175, braaap have heaps and so on. Like you say some aren't worth a mention because there are others mentioned that you should go for instead.

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