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Jul 6, 2015
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Hello all I'm new here I just picked up this pit bike project for $30.00. It currently doesn't have spark and the problem is I have no clue what kind of bike it is to order parts for it. Maybe some of you can help me out image.jpgimage.jpg
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It look's like CRF50 based china pit bike.
They are pretty generic and a lot of part's will interchange from other brand's

Do you have a decent/clean earth to bare metal on your frame for the wiring harness?
Is you coil mounted and earthed to clean bare metal?

Have you tried checking for spark with the kill switch wiring disconnected ?

I would be checking the ignition coil reading's with a multimeter
Set your meter to 200 Ohms
Put one lead from the meter to the positive terminal on the coil and the other lead fro mnthe meter to the negative terminal on the coil (to coil earth if it only has 1 terminal)
You should get a reading around .6 - .8 Ohms
Now unscrew the spark plug cap off the end of the coil lead
Set your meter to 20,000 Ohms (20k), put one lead from the meter to the positive terminal on the coil
And the other lead into the end of the coil lead
You should get a reading around 3k ohms(3000 ohms) up to about 5k ohm's (5000 ohms)
If your readings are more than about 10% different you may have a faulty ignition coil

Check your spark plug cap reading too
It should read 5k ohms (5000 ohms), if it doesnt then replace it with a quality spark plug cap.
NGK replacement caps are available at most part's store';s for under $5

If your ignition coil has 2x terminal's, you could try swapping the wire's around and see if it get's a better spark tpp

Is your spark plug clean? if not replace it with a decent plug an NGK C7HSA

If your coil read's ok then you could try testing the reading's on your stator
Have a read through here-

Last thing id try is replacing your CDI, match up one with the measurement from your original one

Cheer's Craig
Welcome to Minirider's

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It look's like CRF50 based china pit bike.
They are pretty generic and a lot of part's will interchange from other brand's

Do you have a decent/clean earth to bare metal on your frame for the wiring harness?
Is you coil mounted and earthed to clean bare metal?

Have you tried checking for spark with the kill switch wiring disconnected ?

I would be checking the ignition coil reading's with a multimeter
Set your meter to 200 Ohms
Put one lead from the meter to the positive terminal on the coil and the other lead fro mnthe meter to the negative terminal on the coil (to coil earth if it only has 1 terminal)
You should get a reading around .6 - .8 Ohms
Now unscrew the spark plug cap off the end of the coil lead
Set your meter to 20,000 Ohms (20k), put one lead from the meter to the positive terminal on the coil
And the other lead into the end of the coil lead
You should get a reading around 3k ohms(3000 ohms) up to about 5k ohm's (5000 ohms)
If your readings are more than about 10% different you may have a faulty ignition coil

Check your spark plug cap reading too
It should read 5k ohms (5000 ohms), if it doesnt then replace it with a quality spark plug cap.
NGK replacement caps are available at most part's store';s for under $5

If your ignition coil has 2x terminal's, you could try swapping the wire's around and see if it get's a better spark tpp

Is your spark plug clean? if not replace it with a decent plug an NGK C7HSA

If your coil read's ok then you could try testing the reading's on your stator
Have a read through here-

Last thing id try is replacing your CDI, match up one with the measurement from your original one

Cheer's Craig

Thanks for the reply! Will crf 50 parts interchange with it? It's missing the flywheel cover as you can see and I need to order one of those. Along with a new throttle cable and throttle. It looks like someone cut a couple wires down by the flywheel
Just had a better look at your 3rd picture, i can see why it wont run
there is no signal from the pick up coil, it's been smashed off the back side of the stator plate to the right of the flywheel there.
Should look like this, see the black box part at the top ? the plate that it bolt's to has been broken off the stator backing plate
You'll need a new stator ,and a flywheel puller to remove the flywheel.
They are easy to find, we can get them here in AU from ebay for around $20 for that style.
70cc 90cc 110cc 125cc Magneto Stator Plate PIT PRO Dirt Bike ATV Quad Trail | eBay
The flywheel puller you need is an M27 x 1mm L/H thread one, same as what's used on a lot of Yamaha's, Suzuki's and Honda's etc

That damage to your's was done by the chain, it jumped off the front sprocket due to not being adjusted properly.
The cheap china chain's they come with stretch easily and then will jump off or snap.
So count the amount of pin's holding your chain together and get a new one of them too, buy a decent one like a DID they cost around $30
NEW Genuine DID 420D Roller Chain 120 Links PIT Bike Dirt Moto Quad ATV | eBay

For the stator cover, just do a search on ebay/amazon for pit bike stator cover, they are around $25.
Sprocket Cover Lifan Stator Magneto Engine Side Case 110 125 140 150cc PIT Bike | eBay
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Man if I was u I wouldn't put to much money in to it, I think u will get sore legs after riding it for half hour. Good size for kids Would be good to sell and make some coin out of it.

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