bike not idling clean ( carby issue???)

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Feb 26, 2010
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woodberry NSW
im currently running in a tdr 150cc lifan, at idle the bike runs but spits fuel out the carby and stalls out at idle but seems ok while revving it also makes a puffing noise when revving down while underway spark plug is definately getting fuel the carby is a generic one with no identifiable brand on it im running premium fuel but still using the supplied oil while running in the bike has only been run for about an hour so far but i just wanted to hear any theories you guys might have:(
ok, theres a couple of similar problems on here lately.

id be checking valve clearances.
cleaning the carby out verify it has the correct jets installed and make sure theres a fuel filter fitted.

also verify that you are turning the choke off..

is it definitely a lifan 150, can ya throw a pic up

and yeah dump the shipping oil out of it straight away, run it in then replace oil and re do the valve clearances again
i justed checked the engine it doesnt actually say lifan on it although it was advertised as having a lifan 150 heres a few pics it also had a tag hanging off saying shineray engines UK aswell
il change the oil tomorrow and check the valve clearances and get back to you

Picture 001.jpg

Picture 004.jpg

Picture 005.jpg
it's a shineray 150, pile of junk lol
change the oil to castrol activ 4t and nothing else! don't run the bike on shipping oil!
use normal unleaded, not premium.
throw that carby in the bin and get something useable.
set your valve clearance...
once you've done all this your bike will run fine
it's a shineray 150, pile of junk lol
change the oil to castrol activ 4t and nothing else! don't run the bike on shipping oil!
- Shell Advance 4T Motorbike Oil - 15W-40, 1 Litre - Supercheap Auto
- Castrol Activ 4T Motorbike Oil - 15W-50, 1 Litre - Supercheap Auto

use normal unleaded, not premium.
throw that carby in the bin and get something useable.
- DHZ Mini Moto

set your valve clearance...
- YouTube - How to check valve timin on Honda 50 70 cc motors
- QingQi (Qlink) 200GY Illustrated Valve Adjustment

once you've done all this your bike will run fine

thanks for the advice guys im gonna do the valve clearances tomorrow after work i put the 15w-50 oil in today so il keep you guys updated on how she goes, also is the racing carbie really nessacery i just want my bike to pump around the bush in i wont be racing it to much.
race carby doesn't mean u have to race it haha, it's just a reliable, easy to use, maintain and tune carby.
get a molkt if you don't like the sound of "race carbys" they're not as good but very useable
hahahha sweet all i meant was im not really looking to to do many aftermarket mods to the bike afterall from what ive read about shineray engines its becoming clear to me that you cant polish a turd, but if it goes alright wif the new carby i might do the coil and cdi etc
hey again guys just a follow up note to let ya's know that i did the valve timing today and played around wif the mixture valve and everything is running sweet as now thanks for all the advice
I have a TDR 125 (supposalby lifan) and a DHZ 140 (lifan), although there is 15cc difference, it feels like the DHZ has an extra 50cc. So although they say it may be a lifan, i think its a load of ********!!!