Bike starting trouble

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New Member
Aug 26, 2009
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I am having trouble starting my bike it takes 20 or so kicks starts then i fine

Im thinking spark plug its a denso was goin to chnage to Ngk

Its a guess though any help would be appreciated its near new and has had this trouble since a bought it
k thanks will do once its started its fine idles well when warm and if i shut it off start first kick..
yeha mine is like that sometimes too, prob coz i dont have a chock lol

go electric start i am thump140 has my bike at the moment =) as him he knows his ****
how long has your bike been sitting before you try to start it??
adjusted yuor valves??
using your choke??
getting it right on compression rather than just kicking it over a number of times??

mine takes a while to get going after sitting for a few days
Aprilia sxv450
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I am having trouble starting my bike it takes 20 or so kicks starts then i fine

Im thinking spark plug its a denso was goin to chnage to Ngk

Its a guess though any help would be appreciated its near new and has had this trouble since a bought it

One thing to look at, is your start up and shut down procedure before and after riding. how long is it between rides? a week? two weeks? a day?
If it's a week or two between start ups, i'd suggest when you finish riding for the day, once you get the bike home and cleaned up, start it, turn the fuel switch off, and let the carby run itself dry... Fuel does go stale... like Dad's beer. if he leaves his stubby sitting on the bench in the shed, then a week later goes to take a swig, he'll probably spit it out, cause among other things, it's gone off... fuel will do the same.. fuel goes off, carby takes a swig, spark plug, which in this case, is Dad's tongue, doesnt like the taste of stale fuel and spits it out. eventually when dad keeps forcing stale beer down his throat, or in this case you forcing stale fuel into the motor, it will give up, and eventually start... so yeah, run carby dry after each ride..
the other thing to look at, is your valve clearances, and then swapping your special Denso plug for an even specialler NGK plug...

Start from there and see how you go.

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