Bike starts and dies

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Aug 22, 2017
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Bike sat for 2months and was running fine. Tried to Start it today and wouldnt kick over. Sprayed some start your bastard inside and it starts and dies straight away. Did this a bunch of times and same result. Any idea what I should do or how to resolve it to get it going?
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have you changed the fuel?, it can go off and cause the engine to not fire when its all in working order.
I'll clean the Carby and change the fuel tonight and let you know how I go :)
My bet is a blocked pilot jet. Clean carb and fresh fuel and always drain the float bowl when putting it away and use the fuel in the tank for the mower. Fresh fuel every ride, fuel these days goes off in weeks, especially in a plastic tank
A bit of a update, I drained all the fuel last night and cleaned theup carby. The pilot jet was indeed blocked but by the time I finished it was way to late to start it up. I'll gI've it a twirl later :)
Ok say It runs, it revs, everything's going.good except one thing. The idle screw is way way to far out and feels like it's tillcause idling too high.. Any suggestions how to solve this problem now?
change your pilot jet accordingly so your mixture screw is .5 to 1.5 turns out from all the way in......what size jet's does it have???
Take your aircleaner off and make sure the carb slide is actually closing all the way, if it isn't disconnect the throttle cable from the throttle , if it then closes fully then either your cable is just a little too short or your throttle needs the cable entry adjustment wound in. If you put the carb slide in 180° wrong it wont close all the way also (ie the notch in the slide lines up with idle screw). Just make sure the slide ends up so the notch in the slide rests on the idle screw
I took off the air filter and the slide had about a 4 mm arch in the bottom. I'll make sure I got it the right way, but I also do believe the cable is a bit short.
Looks to be flush with the bbottom tho except that arch in it