Bike wont start and i need help

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
central coast
my bike wont start i cleaned out my carby checked out my spark plug nd cleaned it there is petrol flowing it seems fine but it wont kick it takes several times pushing it up nd donw my street trying to start it i finally started it nd got it going but wen the motor started to go cold it wouldnt start again does anyone kno wat the problem is coz i would prefer not to take it to a mechanic seeing as im very tight on money
also it dosent seem to idle nd isint gud in low revs nd sounds like its going die but once i get the revs up it seems fine
so once u roll start it anh it warm,s up does it kickstart easy then once its warm????
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sounds like air mixture
have you fiddeled with anything resently?
done any grinding mods?
no choke isint on nd it does kick heaps easy once its warm but it takes a bit of effort to get it warm nd no i havent done any mods but yes i have been fiddling wi fthe fuel air screws
ok, turn your air/mixture screw all the way in. then 2 and a half turns out.
then it should start and only minor tuning ill be needed
turn ur choke on when u start it and check ur idle screw that might be why its not idleing.
also like others have said you probably need to redo your valve clearances, i think they are .3 thou inlet and .4 thou exaust? someone correct me if im wrong.


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