Looking the goods mate, I would love to have a go riding one of these around the streets, reckon it would be so much fun.
If you paint the front plate, I'd still rough it lightly with 400 grit wet and dry. Clean it clean it and clean it again lol, and defiantly use plastic primer, with the rustoleum 2x paint and for added protection.
clear it with mist coats of the same brand crystal clear enamel but build it up slowly. Let the 2x paint dry for a few days as it takes a week to fully dry on the plastics. Don't trust the self priming bull**** they say on the can cause it didn't work on my honda front plate lol. Careful with the 2x paint too it is defiantly a double coating can, it covers like crazy and you really need to just mist it on and build it up slowly.
I've done both my front plates now and they look awesome I'll show you guys soon how they turned out.
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