Broken Bones

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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2007
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raymond terrace
hello ppl as sum of u may or may not know sunday was the most painful day of my life and it happend on the pitty
it all started when i got a 14" front wheel of a mate to see what there like so i PUSHED my bike down to his house (bout 5mins) and put the wheel on and after a small stint in his front yard i decided to go home so i started the push again cos i dont like riding on roads (how ironic) any way i finaly got to the top of my street and rolled down the hill (bike off) and i seen my mate who lives around the corner so i pulled in and rolled to a gental stop we had a lil chat then decided to go bak to my shed and hang out so i thought bugger i been pushing it all day and 3 bikes have gone past i am jus gona ride around the corner (whoops) so i rode off the gutter and cos of the weight distrabution (and lack of skill) i fliped it and as my foot hit the ground i heard SSNNNAAAAPPP OMG that hurt and when i looked at the end of my leg i seen my heel where m y toes should be and my foot was 180' ouch and now after 3 days in hospital , 2 operations ,4 screws ,2 broken bones(tib and fib) and a shat load of happy pils i am sitting here ranting about my weekend
well thanx for reading and the moral of this story is dont ride on the road cos it will get ya
cheers toby/firsttimer

ohh and i have a few phone shots of the cast (none of backwards foot)

F@rk that would hurt

i feel for ya mate ive broken my tibb bone before and that was VERY VERY painful so i can amagine how much breaking both bones would hurt
oh man im glade i got Stone bones or id be were u were. only id have a Smashed skull Torn up chest Broken legs and a Destroyed spleen
far out thats **** mate. got me bike neally together and we cant ride lol. i feel for ya mate. i know from experience how much spiral breaks hurt. my first one was when i was to and ended up in hospital for 6 weeks. how long you of the bike?
lol i cant walk for 6-8 weeks till they take the screws out and then prob another 4 weeks and i should be almost normal but they say i wil almost have to lern to walk again cos theres so much damage ouch
and cheers ppl
Dont worrie bud its like riding a bicycle Just Dont Think about walking just Think about how much you wanna walk to the fridge and get a cold beer then Shazaam your walking to the fridge.

Best of luck.

Drink lots of milk so your bones will heal up faster and heal stronger.
ouch dat would suck i broke my arm ridin a skateboared i got for my bday on my bday i had tor ide home didnt know if it was broken untill i took off my jumper and my bone was sticken slightly out of the skin
dude your gunna have to add at least 6months of intence physio before you will be even close to riding properly
i busted my knee in november and i still cant hit a jump standing up but i'm getting closer
but still a long way to go

good luck those 6-8 weeks off your feet will be the most painful thing eva
Damn thats pretty bad.
I sorta did the same thing except i chipped the bone in my ankle and tore all the tendons in my right foot.OUCH. Still hasnt been right since. O well **** happens. Hope u get better soon
thanx for tha suport guys and i hope i can walk soon BUT i gotta wait like 10 days after they take the screws out so the stitches can heal and all is good i got a sexy green fiberglass cast on now so its way lighter and better to sleep with and look out in issue no 24 of 50s brotherhood i may be in it yay
cheers toby
I have never broken a bone before but I have fallen off and crashed on my bike billions of times. The only bad injury i've had was a screw driver stab me into the leg which i couldn't walk for a month.

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