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yeah my frame must have been set up for tri arm cause it looks right now i will put some pics up later tonight i hope it is right anyway lol what size shocky will i need like what length cheers guys
ok cheers man thanks for your help will check with my local dealer c if he got any or if not proberly get one for me cheers dave
nah man i wanna get a rolling frame thats just how i chose to do it cause i wanted to c what it looks like cause i am inpasiant 8)
yeah..........changing the color of the frame sounds more like it.... but well, christmas is just 'round the corner anyway! ;)

Seriously though, I am inclined to have some shade of gray for the frame - something neutral.

I like the green plastics though. Not a bad idea to incorporate the plastics at this stage. this way you get to imagine more what it'll be like in the end.

Looks like a fun prject indeed.
well u will proberly not like it when i get the gold bars and forks then i dont know if i wanna change the colour u will hardly c the frame once it is all together hardly even notice the colour of the frame lol
A gold bar and forks would be good. Go for it!

What do you have for rims?
i might be going just black rims havent bought any yet but yeah proberly black or crome not quiet sure yet what u all think???
lol yeah i think crome is the go ah i am getting the forks and the rear shock this friday so will post aother pic when i get them k is starting to take a bit of shape now cant want for completion i will never sell this thing my pride and joy lol
younggun said:
well i dont know yet i will c what happens
hey man when i first saw this post i though oh yeah what a noob i bet he wont actually do this and waste is money and not actually make this thing. it is coming together nicly and i am happy for you, goodluck with this all. i like you style and i hope you have no majour diffulcties. can you tell me how much this will cost when you have bought everything? what motor are you geting? a liffan right? nice work keep up the pics and show us every step you do. lets just hope you carry out on doing this and dont just stop and go for the easy choice and buy a made pit bike. one last old are you and are you actually paying for the parts? and do you have a parent helping you... nice work mate and goodluck with this.:D
lol mate i am 17 and no do not have a parent helping me i am paying for the parts my self and i can promise u right now i am going to finish it i think it will cost me just under 1g has anyone done this on the forum before like made a thread and put each pic up as they go and yes i am getting a lifan 125cc with a mikuni carby cheers Dave
hey nice work man cant wait to see finished work, get dc or metal mulisha graphics man.
nah man ganna get something custom done next door to my work they can do me graphics dirt cheap casue they make signs and **** for cars like u know advertisment on cars they do that sort of **** so yeah will get something kickass but that is the last thing on my list and yeah i will finish the bike has any one done this on the forum b4 cheers Dave
hey guys big dramas i hope u can understand what i am saying i bought a set of forks today but there is a cap that screws down the main post and it is meant to sit over the frame but it is too small for my frame and just sits on top if the frame and im really pissed off so if u can understand what i wrote can u please help thanks very much dave

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