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Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2006
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Got done today leaving the servo. I was filling up and the coppers pulled chase. Chain snapped leaving me stranded. Got sent straight to court.

No Insurance
No Helmet

Spewing. Noone elses fault but myne. Be careful fellas.
thats why u only ride in deignated dirt bike areas.
some people think it will never happen to them, people who least expect it always get cought first.
Hey Max_99 how old are you? and bad luck man... i never ride my thumpstar on road/street i usually just hoon around on my cag, lucky my mum doesnt mind.
They probably would have turned a blind eye if you had been wearing a helmet ;)
unlucky bro.

I got caught filling me fiddy up at the servo...Undercover copper saw me pull me kick starter out and he drove in, i looked at him and thort he was just going 2 fill up his car. Instead he flashed his badge. He was nice and let me off with a warning.
how much is ur average fine for gettin busted,
btw u shoulda just pushed the bike and legged it hahaha
shtick said:
how much is ur average fine for gettin busted,
btw u shoulda just pushed the bike and legged it hahaha
Um are you retarted?
haha and while your at it y dont you just wack the cuffs on your hands to save the coppa doin it for ya!
lol, that sucks man. I only ride on road about 100m to get to trail near my place. Always wear helmet.
FLICK said:
They probably would have turned a blind eye if you had been wearing a helmet ;)

********, dont risk it. I too was planning on hooning the back streets. Theres big fines and apparently you could even loose your Victorian drivers licence too. Dont know about that though.
yea, i herd can loose drivers lisence aswell. Unlisenced, unregistered and uninsured...
shtick said:
how much is ur average fine for gettin busted,
btw u shoulda just pushed the bike and legged it hahaha

Approximatly $1000-$1500 depending on how much of an ******* they are and how many tickets they give you.

The guy from this thread will prob get about $1500+ of fines.
HAHAHAHAHAH, your kidding 1500 buks dude that sucks bro, its 350 buks from not wearing a helmet,
i have been done befor with like 6 of me mate

This is what was read out in court to be by the judge

Riding on the side of the road
Riding on Foot paths, pulling a wheelie on a foot parth
pulling monos on the road
running a stop sign
running a Give way sign
Not an australian standed bike
No roadworthy
not indicating, Nor Indactors
No break lights
no helmet
No insurance
and blowing 0.8 on the booze tester :D i was a rebel then ok please leave me along

So most of it was Dangous Driving :D BUT IT WAS HELL MAD racing ya mate around the street drinking rum
Thats the GREAT AUSTRALIAN DREAM right there people lol

but we didn't get bust for all of them
right there at the age of 17 or higher you will be paying about $4.500 in fines
but if the judge is nice you will get off light :D
mjc85 said:
Approximatly $1000-$1500 depending on how much of an ******* they are and how many tickets they give you.

The guy from this thread will prob get about $1500+ of fines.

Court this week. I'll let you guys know how it goes.
Buy a jerry can and leg it to the servo or ride your pushbike there or get your parents to drive you there.

It's idiots like this that make cops hassle anything dirt bike related.

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