some say he's old and fat. Others say he tunes OKO's blindfolded with two hands tied behind his back.
What we do know, is that he's full of ****, and he's called The Thump....
OKO26mm will work fine on a 125, i've had pretty good results trying it on both my FYM110 and the 125 Zonger...
Jetting you'll need a K35 pilot jet, and a K90 or K92 main jet, with the needle set on the second clip from the top...
as for actual hp increase, bit hard to put a figure on it, but my 125z in the miniblitz went from being not being able to keep up with much at all, to keeping up with Sneezy and Scotty87's Pitpro 140's nearly everywhere except for out of corners, so the power increase is considerable...
a lot of people will tell you the OKO26mm is too big for a 125, but i found it to actually be quite good, and offered more of a power increase than the OKO21mm i tried on the same motor...
OKO26 FTW...