carb sizes

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Active Member
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
jimboomba, qld
ok hey agen guys, today i was down in my shed tinkering with my 2008 125cc motoworks pitty(lifan engine) that i think i just fixed im just w8in for new fuel lines and inline fuel filter and i was thinkin about how i can mod it, suddenly i remembered that if you put a slighty bigger carb on it it gives you more power... i should of explained this at the start lol but when i bought it second hand for 600$ 6months ago(only been ridden like once exhaust pipe was still silver,now its deep blue lol) the guy was selling it as well as a pitboss he thought was broken ( lol my awsome skills fixed it...redneckedly) so it was l;ike a combo thing , so i bought the two for 600$ for both , ok so now i remembered the carb on it was a mikuni(mad in japan) so it took it off and compared it to my other carb for my good pitty and it was so much bigger( like slide and throat and bowl and stuff) but it still fits on my good pitty so i was wonderin if any one knows if the 125cc pitboss mikuni carb is bigger than the other carb (also on a 125cc pitbike) wich is alot smaller ( it is a kai hen i think lol) but yer this post is real long so ok but i would appreciate it if any one could tell me if the mikuni carb will give me more performance to he other 1, thanks guys ill try post some pics(if i learn how to)
as for what diameter carbies you have, if the one on your pitboss (??) looks bigger in diameter, slide diameter etc, then it probably is bigger... you may have a 22mm on one bike, and a 26mm on the other... fitting the 26mm to the good bike (I think i'm following you right....) will improve the performance over the smaller carby... BUT only if the jetting is correct... if the jetting is out, it will run the same, or probably worse...
if you are running a 125cc engine, jetting in the bigger 26mm carby, should be around a #20 pilot jet, and a #92 to #95 main jet...
ok thanks ,i was thinkin about puttin it on there and gettin the whole bike serviced and tuned and jeeted so thanks
should i post some pics anywayz?(if i can)
as for what diameter carbies you have, if the one on your pitboss (??) looks bigger in diameter, slide diameter etc, then it probably is bigger... you may have a 22mm on one bike, and a 26mm on the other... fitting the 26mm to the good bike (I think i'm following you right....) will improve the performance over the smaller carby... BUT only if the jetting is correct... if the jetting is out, it will run the same, or probably worse...
if you are running a 125cc engine, jetting in the bigger 26mm carby, should be around a #20 pilot jet, and a #92 to #95 main jet...

put the bigger carb on and follow the above information regarding jetting...

unscrew the bowl off the larger carb and see what jets are in it....should be pretty close tho if both engines are 125cc...

also why arnt you using the pit boss bike, i would of thought the pit boss would be the better of the 2 bikes
im not usin pit boss cuz the last guy who had it made the chain come off broke the cdi , so it only with works with sticky tape holding the sensor on there so i dont wanna run it( might break sumfin even more lol o yer plus there is a crack near top of crank cas so its like a second breather hole just that it sprays oil everywhere
the mikuni looks like a fakuni 26mm which is actually a 22mm, the other one looks like the bottom of the the barrel POS carbys that TDR, motoworks and the rest of the supers#@t pitbike dealers use.

they both suck but the one on the right is better
even if the miuni is a peice of s#!t, i would still choose it over the other one any day, wheather it was bigger or not.
i noticed there are two types of fakuni's.
the one above with the 'oval' opening, and one with a round opening.
which one is 'better'?

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