Well-Known Member
ok well i think this is a carby related problem but im not 100% sure, basically when idiling the bike will just cut out with out warning it gives a cough then just dies, i have put the idel speed up a touch but still happens. Even when crusing around with the clutch out in 1st and 2nd it'll do the same, it also cuts out if a gear is selected and with the clutch held in all the way, only sometimes though, it seems to rev up all right it only has trouble at low revs. its also a bit of a pain to get started too.
I have adjusted my valvels to 003 and 004, also grinded out the intake pipe a bit to get rid out the crappy casting.
Have checked to see if fuel runs into carby and the flows good, cleanded the carby out, the is a good spark, but the spark plug is a touch black, and the clip on the carby needle is set to the bottom slot (the needle sits as hig as it can go) This was from factory.
have also had a bit of play with the air fuel screw but to no help, went full turns in both directions
any help appreciated, i have also had a bit of a search but still not to sure wat i should try
I have adjusted my valvels to 003 and 004, also grinded out the intake pipe a bit to get rid out the crappy casting.
Have checked to see if fuel runs into carby and the flows good, cleanded the carby out, the is a good spark, but the spark plug is a touch black, and the clip on the carby needle is set to the bottom slot (the needle sits as hig as it can go) This was from factory.
have also had a bit of play with the air fuel screw but to no help, went full turns in both directions
any help appreciated, i have also had a bit of a search but still not to sure wat i should try
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