Well-Known Member
I just bought this carb also and it works wonderful.. Just got to buy a bigger Main and Pilot at first and the fuel screw should be all the way in and about 1 turn out is good.
This Is The One I Bought It Fits A 22mm Intake Manifold Not A 26mm Is It Still In Lean And Out Rich?
looks likt you have screwed the whole seat out. Put a spanner on the hex part and use a screw driver and screw the jet out.
It Worked Thanks And You Already Know I Bought A New Jets Kit With 4 Main And 2 Pilots Well When I Take Out The Main And Go From A 95 to A 100 Do I Need To Change The Pilot Too? And How Do You Know When Your Settings Are Right?
Try to fix 1 at a time. Whats the bike doing for you to want to change the jets??
If it wont idle or hard to start change your idle jet.
If it bogs down midrange its your needle height.
If it has problems mid throttle to top end its your main jet.
You need to TUNE the carb. The mixture screw sounds like it too far out and it sounds like you might be running too lean.. Richen her up and turn that mixture screw in.
Ok So it is all running well now I take it.
To check if it is to rich or lean you need to check the spark plug. Rich will be black.
SEARCHH is what you need to do..
Perfect color plug is Coffee Brown
Bad Plug is Light / White
I rode around my neighborhood 1 time, and its not that big, at full speed and the bike got really hot when I was done. Do I need an oil cooler? The exhaust was hot the Cylinder and even the spark plug was hot.