Carby Questions

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Probably just getting hot cause it is meant to, If it was running cold well that would be a worry, A motor is not meant to be touched with your hands (or any other body part preferably) after or when running, Is the exhaust pipe glowing red? If not then its probably just normal engine heat

Yeah what minifighter said try riding it in the dirt somewhere it will surely run cooler
I rode around my neighborhood 1 time, and its not that big, at full speed and the bike got really hot when I was done. Do I need an oil cooler? The exhaust was hot the Cylinder and even the spark plug was hot.

You inject an explosive vapour mix of petrol and air into the head, it is compressed, the plug, which extends into the head, ignites it and hot gas is then expelled into your exhaust... Gee, my head, exhaust and plug are all hot!!!11!

I wonder why?

How hot is 'really hot'? Needless to say, touching the head/plug/exhaust (even after a short run) is a stupid idea. If you are really concerned, get yourself a thermometer dip stick ;)
You inject an explosive vapour mix of petrol and air into the head, it is compressed, the plug, which extends into the head, ignites it and hot gas is then expelled into your exhaust... Gee, my head, exhaust and plug are all hot!!!11!

I wonder why?

How hot is 'really hot'? Needless to say, touching the head/plug/exhaust (even after a short run) is a stupid idea. If you are really concerned, get yourself a thermometer dip stick ;)

Oooo I just thought it was supposed to be cooler than that but ok:damnmate:
if your comparing it to a watercooled motor, yes it will be hotter. the fins on your cylinder and head are what is used to dissipare the heat and cool the engine so they are designed to be hot. and the exhaust, just stay away from it, its always gonna be hot, and loves taking layers of skin off body parts that like to touch it.
do u expect to be able to sit ur hand on the exhaust lol after running for 10 mins, theirs prolly nothing wrong with ur engine. they get hot when their on because of combustion chamber tempretures an exhaust gas , quite a normal thing
well you have to understand that revving your motor high gets your motor hotter if you keep it low then that will keep it cool
Can spraying WD40 between the carb and the intake manifold be bad for the engine?

My mini has a problem that carried over even after i bought a new carb. Take a look at the video. Thats the problem I had with my first carb and it still does it. Could I have an air leak ate the intake manifold and the carb? It stops me from going full throttle in any gear. Please help! >>> Pitbike Throttle Problem - YouTube

I was told to spray WD40 between the intake manifold and the carb to see if it has a leak but I was worried that it might mess up the engine.
yeah crc, wd40, degreaser, carby cleaner, even water will work.
Can spraying WD40 between the carb and the intake manifold be bad for the engine?

Sounds like you got something in the carb blocking a needle. Pull it apart and give it a good clean out, use compressed air and keep an eye out for any foreign material where it shouldn't.

Also if you haven't already change the fuel hose, the stuff they come with goes brittle and rots.
well i cant really see the problem but I do think that rubber between the mani and the carby is in around the wrong way? so you spray the wd 40 around there? what happened then?
Replace with a OKO... Or try changing the jet size (maybe to big a main) what sizes are currently in there and what size engine is it on AND what size carby?
Why is my bike doing this?! I really want to fix this! Helpp

Have you given the carb a full pull down and clean? Changed fuel filter?

Clean the plug, run it again then take it out and take a photo
Mate, you don't need to make so many new threads. Thats three threads about the same issue in as many minutes.

Keep 1 thread with all your issues in it please. You've made over 50 threads in 7 months and 98% are questions that could have been solved by searching the forum.

Please keep all your future questions in the one thread, we will still see it and help when we can, it just keeps the place tidy!

just take it to a bike shop mate before you do more damage to your engine. it should only cost about $50 to get it sorted.
How do I adjust the needle clip?And put it back into the slide?

This is my needle, as you can see there is a small washer underneath the clip. It is actually sitting on my finger. How do I adjust this clip because it is all they way at the bottom. Also, In the other pic How do I assemble it back together? Like which way does the metal thing go into the slide and how do I put the needle back in? I shouldve paid more attention lol:damnmate:



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