Hey Guys,
Had the best ride day up at Kennilworth on the weekend

Track was amazing and the bike felt great on the jumps, berms and whatever else I could throw at it.
Im digging the 155z but I really wouldn't mind some more power especially low down as I was getting smoked by the 2 bangers (I dont mind getting beat, but I reckon I wouldn't mind being more of a competition)
So basic questions are:
Will a V2 head give sufficient power gain?
What piston and cam will I need?
Should I get a bore kit?
New carby (im running an oko 26 atm)?
I'll need HD cluctch springs and tougher plates right?
(Will this make the clutch lever stiffer? cuz I got some serious arm pump running it stock)
What sorta decomp option should I go?
Will my current exhaust fit?
What sorta price am I looking to be paying?
Cheers guys, looking forward to your opinions and help