Certified Computer Nerd
Lads I am still around just 
Been super busy with university end of semester, working part time 28 hour contract and family/friends.....
Hock bike cost roughly 2900 including engine mods to build, me thinks. Probably more but ignorance is bliss
Thanks for everything Tezza, post office were useless, Is it all sorted from your end now or do you need me to pester em?
As for updates on me and the bike.....
I installed the new engine kit ages ago, fired her up and went for a lil test run VERDICT:
1. was hard to start at first but became easier as I assume the oil circluated better
2. white smoke galore as to be expected from excess oil on cylinder, burnt off within idling 20 secs
3. Idling and ran like a dream, gears just keeep going!
4. PROBLEM, leaking oil between cylinder and engine base, did try and clean the old gasket off as best as I could, left a few lil flicks on there after ages of cleaning....
5. Will have to rip apart the engine, re-clean and install a new gasket b4 reassmbling (kudos Terry for the spare)
So I am yet to rip her aprt just cuz I'm soo busy, and I hope to have it done by this Friday.
I so need a break cuz believe it or not Ive only ridden my bike twice, the first for tuning and the second for fun. Since then she's sat dorment
I will keep you's posted and if you have any suggestions as to how to not screw the assembling/cleaning this time by all means caution me!!!!
Been super busy with university end of semester, working part time 28 hour contract and family/friends.....
Hock bike cost roughly 2900 including engine mods to build, me thinks. Probably more but ignorance is bliss
Thanks for everything Tezza, post office were useless, Is it all sorted from your end now or do you need me to pester em?
As for updates on me and the bike.....
I installed the new engine kit ages ago, fired her up and went for a lil test run VERDICT:
1. was hard to start at first but became easier as I assume the oil circluated better
2. white smoke galore as to be expected from excess oil on cylinder, burnt off within idling 20 secs
3. Idling and ran like a dream, gears just keeep going!
4. PROBLEM, leaking oil between cylinder and engine base, did try and clean the old gasket off as best as I could, left a few lil flicks on there after ages of cleaning....
5. Will have to rip apart the engine, re-clean and install a new gasket b4 reassmbling (kudos Terry for the spare)
So I am yet to rip her aprt just cuz I'm soo busy, and I hope to have it done by this Friday.
I so need a break cuz believe it or not Ive only ridden my bike twice, the first for tuning and the second for fun. Since then she's sat dorment
I will keep you's posted and if you have any suggestions as to how to not screw the assembling/cleaning this time by all means caution me!!!!