cdi problems

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Active Member
May 13, 2009
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i got a new high rev cdi and ive wired it up. it gets a spark but the bike doesnt run like normal, it just seems like the spark timing is out cause it pops and splutters and then evetually dies. have i wired it up wrong or is the cdi just not usable on my bike?
my other cdi ran perfect though
it just doesnt run right, takes ages to kick and when it fires it blows smoke, doesnt idle and sometimes blows back through the carby, my old cdi didnt have any of these problems, does this mean the cdi is a dud or its just not connected properly?
Why did you changed it then , Dumbo??:p

now now, be nice:) it was all in the hope that a 30 dollar part would actually do what the adertisements say....instant performance gains:)

makes me wonder, does an irk require a special cdi cause fukd if i know why this 140 wont start.... compression spark and fuel...not even kicking back on me....this week is my " i hate china" week though, so...maybe next week.... i hate china, chinese, and anything thats crossed the chinese border....
Notice he said he "wired" it up ? They come with a female plug that simply PLUGS onto a male plug ... I'd say he's got 2 of the wires around the wrong way so that it advances the idle too far then ******* too much up top ... or even ******* the idle waaaayy to far ...

Yes headsmess ... IRK's require their own special CDI box ... it's usually red or black plastic with a hole for screw mounting them ... The stock rubber mounted CDI's don't work ... and I've read that even those blue alloy things (Posh) don't work on 'em ...

You cruel , cruel man Mr Mountain ... don't you understand that he's probably distraught and grieving over the death of Wacko Jacko !!!!!!!!!
well, that solves my problem:) thankyou:) besides having an engine with a damn irk at all... that will need an ezi-out to remove.... bloody second hand engines:mad:

:( poor wacko....ima gunna go get drunk and drown my sorrows....
so that would be my problem, mixed the wiring up? because i had to take the plugs off because i took my electric start off and all the stuff that went with it, so i had a dual plug cdi. this new cdi is only single plug but same number of wires so i took the plugs off and used adaptors to connect the wires, ill change the wiring and see how it goes.
did u make the adaptors with connecters????? if so where did u get the connecter bits from the dual plug and the single plug??? i was gonna try to make a adaptore but couldnt fine the connecter bits so i gave up,,
i took the plugs off the wires so my wires were individual, then used just normal wire connectors to crimp the wires together
ok, from the engine, you should have a blackred, bluewhite, and green. not always, but usually...

im assuming you got one of those blue "race" cdis, cause they dont need a plug, as they have a lead coming out. or similar...

but same deal, there should be black red, or just red, blue white, or just blue, and a green. then the other two wires, should be a black yellow, that goes to the coil, and a black white, which is the killswitch

it might just be a dud, as someone already said:( and if its been wired up wrong, its now more than likely a dud... (semi conductors dont like high/ reverse voltages on the wrong terminals...) and they dont really make any difference either:( ie, put the original one back on:) it could even be just a bad join on one of the terminals...

and, if you look around on ebay, there are adaptors already available...usually come included with the twn plug cdis.... usually. depends on the supplier
ill play around with it and see how i go
Just a side note on IRKs, i have had one working with the stock 'black box' CDI
the colours on the cdi box is diff to the ones coming from the connector,,, umm i wood tell u where which wire goes where but i lost the sheet i had maded that toled me,, ill have a look around for it tommorm for u tho,, if u have another bike with the that same cdi off it,, jst follow where them wires come from and firgure it out then,,

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