Miniriders OG
well, it was wired right
i went by the guide that the blue white is the pickup coil on my other engines, whites the pickup on the irk, and if black red is the charge coil on other engines, black is charge on the irk, green being frame/ earth. really, it is quite basic, theres only a few wires... and pretty easy to see whats attached to where...
advance and retard...i dunno...i had a spark happening, but absolutely nothing when kicking it over. no popping, no coughing, just a sore foot after five minutes, and a sore head from scratching it
maybe i could chuck a timing light on it, work out where it sparks, and possibly cut a new keyway in the rotor to take a standard box, but thats more work than just using an ork...(previous owner flogged out the screw heads) i just dont have a spare one, or a spare 85 dollars at this present moment in time...and dhz doesnt have any in stock, anyway.
as for chinese irks letting go, that you mentioned in that REVIEWED thread, cactus... last time i was at dhz he had one on a shelf... those magnets must've gone into orbit
wouldnt liked to have been the guy riding at the time, specially if he had one of those stupid plastic cases....
today, got the cdi box for it, wired up with no issues. yellow/white and the green to coil, other green to earth, kill switch(black/white) and main charge coil(black) both to the red/white from box, and white to white. started first kick, ran
this 140 has had some work compared to the other one i have...definitely goes harder. and seeing as the copper washer on the studs is in the wrong spot, its been pulled apart before. im not touching it. yet.
advance and retard...i dunno...i had a spark happening, but absolutely nothing when kicking it over. no popping, no coughing, just a sore foot after five minutes, and a sore head from scratching it
as for chinese irks letting go, that you mentioned in that REVIEWED thread, cactus... last time i was at dhz he had one on a shelf... those magnets must've gone into orbit
today, got the cdi box for it, wired up with no issues. yellow/white and the green to coil, other green to earth, kill switch(black/white) and main charge coil(black) both to the red/white from box, and white to white. started first kick, ran
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