Changing Fork Oil

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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2006
Reaction score
Victa , SA
I have noticed with my bike (atomik avenger) that the front USD suspension is heaps soft and makes it harder to ride. Ive noticed other people have also been having these problems, so i decided to take the BBR video ( on how to change the fork oil and write it with step by step instructions.

1: Take front forks off

2: Clamp fork or hold tightly and undo the top bolt/cap

3: While undoing the bolt hold down just incase the spring is preloaded and flies out

4: Pull the spring out

5: Poor the old oil out and pump the fork to get any exess oil out

6: replace oil with a good quality fork oil, it says on the BBR site to put in 3.8 ounces (equilivent to 112ml), this might or probably would be different for the chinese bikes (if anyone knows the volume that should go it just add it to the topic). I would say 15w is a good limit but it depends on the riders weight and prefference, you could go all the way up to 30w

7: Pump the fork to allow the oil to get to the seacond chamber and to also release any air bubbles

8: put the spring back in and do the bolt up

9: repeat with the other fork

if anyone has anything to add please do so!
Hope this helps :)
That 's a good list. I would only add this as chinese forks compared to the BBR need a little extra love.
When cracking the caps for the first time it is best to loosen the top triple clamp so it isnt applying pressure to the cap but leave the bottom clamps in place to hold the fork. Some of the caps on these upside down forks have a thread holding goop painted all over the threads and may be very hard to get off for this first time. You must use a correctly fitting ring spanner (not a shifter!) and carefully undo. If you slip on the nut you will make a real mess if the nut is alloy. Once off drain all oil but measure the quantity of oil that comes out to give an idea how much to put back in as different diameter and types of tubes will hold different capacities. Also make sure the thread goop is entirely cleaned out and doesn't get into the tube.
In my 46mm tubes about 150ml came out but I have successfully increased this a little and used 170 - 180 ml of 20w oil to refill for a 80 - 90 kg rider. When refilling measure both sides accurately otherwise you will have different action in each fork leg causing a tramtracking effect. Once done, you'll be happy.
Yeah i was having the same problem. you dont need to put a thicker oil in all i did was take my bash plate off and then i bent it (diddnt take much effort as they are alloy). Mine doesnt hit anymore and i havnt changed any oil yet.
If your happy with the feel of the forks don't change to stop hitting the plate. No matter what your running in the forks they should be able to bottom out without making contact. Mod the plate.

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