unreliable two smokes...
not bad pittin glad to see there not becoming "recycled material or spare parts"
s'all good! least you have made money out of being a scab...
So nobody knows of any Bike scrap yards in Melbourne?
So nobody knows of any Bike scrap yards in Melbourne?
Man how hard is it to grab a phone book and even just search yellow pages online, There should be 1 around your area.....Its just stupid bein lazy and ****.
The china engines arnt even worth doing up as you cant get parts (you need to get a new engine).
Go and buy "just bikes" or just do a ebay search on used in item condition max price $500 and you should find a project. I would much prefer a old Jap bike over a chunk of chineese crap if I was looking to do it up. The china engines arnt even worth doing up as you cant get parts (you need to get a new engine). I broke a fork protector on mine and cant get a replecemet (bike is only 6 months old) so I recon a alreday broken china would be madness.
seriously dude your just lazy for starters just bikes is a book you will get from any news agent and almost any service station ya know the places you buy fuel from and you must be new to ebay if you havent noticed the big column down the left hand side of the page with your so called technical searches dont see wats so technical about it but anyways stop been so lazy and get off your ass and have a look and stop relying on everyone else to find you a bike
Nice try mate but I bought a bike like a month ago by going to a few wreckers, firstly, at the time, I didn't know how to navigate through the backpage's of ebay, and secondly, I had never heard of Just Bikes, so sue me for not being as knowledgeable and rude as you. ********.