Look guys, Harleys are fatass bikes and slow as ****!!!
I go down to tooradin airport many weekends a year, there is a custom harley there that blinds you if you look at it on a sunny day!!
The dumb ass fills the thing with avgas (very high octane fuel designed for aircraft ONLY) thinking it will go faster, the owner of the airports' son rides bikes so he lets the harley ride on the runway strip!!
It moves SOOOOOOOOOO slow!!! it makes alot of noise but it is so damn slow. End of that, harleys may be comfortable but are slow as ****.
Jap vs China, everybody stop saying "ohhhh japanese engines are so much more reliable" well guess what, they are not MADE IN JAPAN!!!!!!! Look on the side of any ttr engine that is like '06 or newer and it will clearly say "made in china" so the jap standards are slowly going down, but the chinese standards are slowly going up.
To get an adult riding a crf50 or something, the bike is 2k and you need atleast 2k doing it up, many people spend more. For that amount, you could buy yourself a brand new motovert pro with a daytona that won't break or an mso elite plus a spare engine, spare levers etc.
So enough of this jap vs china crap.
Yes a jap is more reliable, but atleast a 140 is cheaper and won't force you to get all this crap done to your back after years of riding something with a seat height designed for a 4 yr old!!!