Cleaning the PITTY.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2009
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hey all,

jst wondering if anyone can answer the question of cleaning:
how to clean the head on the pitty's the best?

mine is pretty dirty and have tryed to clean it many different ways..

I dunno if it is even cleanable?

It jst looks like dirt has heated and stained it?

have seen it on other pitty bikes but, but when they are new they look so good so jst trying to get it bak that way..

All help is good.

only way ive found that works is when you strip em right down and boil them in a pot full of water and degreaser:D
its some acid that the detailers at work use
they water it down though
i dont
cleans pretty much everything
except for alloy
it stains it
Kid wellbutrin
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a form of degreaser and a scrubbing brush.
spray the degreaser on and leave for a couple of minutes then scrub it heaps hard than hose or pressure wash off
^^^^ yo ash tray! if that acid stuff stains alloy then you betetr not use it on the head seeing as its made of alloy!
its an alkaline. not acid, and yes. it stains alloy a dull grey colour... i still say boiling it:)

only way to get the really baked on crud out of every orifice..

but only practical if you pull the engine apart regularly...
well we use it watered down on alloy wheels at work
as long as you dont leave it on for a very prolonged period of time it should be ok
other than that strip everything you possibly can

headsmess, boiling stuff is new to me, cheers for the idea, now to convince mum... haha
Kid wellbutrin
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i cant take credit for it, it was from cactus jack...but yeah, clean all engine parts in boiling water... and i mean boiling. and use an air compressor for drying everything quick before it cools down and goes rusty...also why you use boilingwater....

its very effective:) just spray any steel parts with wd40 once dry:)
a form of degreaser and a scrubbing brush.
spray the degreaser on and leave for a couple of minutes then scrub it heaps hard than hose or pressure wash off

whats the best degreaser, sounds pretty easy, does it wrk for you?

if so what brand do u use?

and on speical u get like 11 or 12 cans for like 10 bucks grate value
yeah around that maybe a bit less it always changes. buts it always a good price and works good.
um ive tried the xport stuff good and ive also tried this stuff called bug grime and tar remover from big w 2 bucks a can the brand is 5 star i think its a green and black can ive found that to works wonders and a hard brissle scrubbing brush

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