clutch side of 125 motor leaking oil.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2015
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hi, today my engine started leaking oil!! would anyone know anything about this ? maybe my engine could be leaking oil if I over filled it? or is this a bigger problem?? Im pretty sure it wasn't leaking oil last time I rode it its just started today.

Its leaking from the clutch cover on a Lifan 125 engine. Can't attach pics cuz I'm on my phone.
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How much oil is in it ?
It should take somewhere between 600ml's and 750ml's after being drained.
It would take about 1.2 litre's plus of oil in it to leak from there.

There are 2x rubber o'ring's in the clutch cover which the clutch pusher slide's in, the pusher is in the middle of this pic

well it said on the web site that it takes 900ml, so after droping the oil I put in 900ml, that was about 2 weeks ago and it hasn't leaked before. just happened today.
on the dip stick it seems that the oil is over the top of the xxxx bit on the end, it prob is to much oil im not sure it didn't do it the other day though.
im so worred now! in the pick where I have the clutch cover off should it have oil there at all ?
No there shouldn't be oil there.
It just mean's the o'ring's are leaking a bit.
It'll probably come good once you drain the extra oil out of it.
k well should I just let it keep leaking and see if it stops after a while?
Undo the sump plug and drain it out.
Then refill it with 650 ml's and see where it sit's on the dip stick.
k ill give that a go,
just wondering would I be able to buy them orings? and is it hard to replace them?

and just something I should add, about a week ago I noticed that there was water getting in behind the clutch cover from washing the bike, so I took the clutch cover off and sprayed some (*ozzy spray* (think that's what it was called, its like wd-40 I think) in there after wiping the water out, could this of probably caused the orings to go bad ?

id like to think its just that there was 2 much oil in there, but it wasn't leaking before and I have had about 10 hours on it since last oil change.
also I was giving it a flogging that day it started leaking.
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The o'ring's you can get just about anywhere, take an old one in with you as a sample.
Car Part's places, Bearing shops, Rubber store's etc etc, will cost about .20c ea
You just need to carefully hook them out, then to replace it just lube them up and push them in

You may as well clean your oil filter strainer too while the clutch cover is off.
It's the rectangular metal mesh filter inside the engine, slide it out and clean it with degreaser.
It's sit's just above the oil drain plug inside the r/h front of the case

OK today I drained to oil put 650 of some new oil dip stick was at the mid of the xxxx and it was fine at first then I noticed that it was leaking oil heaps. Fml, looks like more work to be done on this!
So I was wondering what could cause this to happen ? Dirty oil ?
The reason I ask is because some one might of put dirt in my engine oil
How could or why would someone put dirt in it?
I leave my bike at my sisters Cuz its where I ride it I don't have a ute if I did it would be at my place in town and my step dads a ****** he prob would do some thing like that so the bike stuffs up and I don't ride out here anymore. Does dirt in the the engine oil cause o rings to leak ? Or am I over exaggerating and the o ring has just gone bad. Im not sure if u seen before when I said I put some wd40 like spray in there maybe thats what has caused it. And also I have been dropping the clutch a bit to pop wheelies
Nah dirt would eventually make all the seal's leak.
It's just a cheap o'ring that's leaking
Well that's a relief!
When It suddenly started leaking just seemed like someone had done something to it.
Well looks like I have A big job ahead of me as it seems I'm going to have to take the engine off the frame.
Normally you just take the kickstart lever off, and then the clutch cover off ?
Sometime's you need to take the r/h foot peg off too depending on the bike

You don't even need to drain the oil, just lean the bike over on it's l/h side
Be careful you don't break the gasket between the cover and case, otherwise you'll need another or a little silastic wiped over the tear to seal it up
k well ill have a better look at it tomorrow if I get a chance, at a glance it looked like there was a bolt I couldn't get at because of the frame but hopefully taking the peg off makes it possible.
suddenly I feel a lot better haha!
Sorry I dint mean to dislike your post lol accidentally pressed it on my phone D:

I was wondering if its possible to find out what size o'rings I need so I can buy them and have them ready to go straight in when I do the job. I have the 1P54FMJ lifan 125 engine. if not that's cool it would just be a lot easier then driving back and forth from the farm to town.

and I also wanted to ask, once I get the cover off how do I go about removing the o'rings ?
well I've managed to get the side cover bolts undone but I cant get it all the way off cuz its stuck against the frame and dosnt allow me to get it past the kick start spline.

does this mean I have to take the whole engine off?
IMG_20150509_133328.jpg IMG_20150509_133333.jpg

see the bolt right under the kick start spline, its up against the frame.
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