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You have been jacking off too much then to get your hand down that low!! hahahahaha

Excellent wrist action. lol

You don't ride much bush though do you? A lever that low would get hung up on something pretty quickly.
Bunch of fricken comedians around here! :D

What can I say Nick
Pregnancy = Tired wife
Tired wife = One handed typing

Shut up Tim. <<<< Just so I don't have to say it later.
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Merry Christmas to you too mate. :)

yeah, that's a well put together track.

Corey your lever could have spun down when you dropped it last time? the r/h lever sits ok.

i normally set up my lever's to my line of sight, so i can just see the top of them, over the top of the grips.
There's nothing wrong with having my levers low! :frustrated:

Let's put it to the people!

At what angle dose the majority of MR have there levers? Keep in mind I'm 187cm so how tall you are factors in!
My bikes.

Haters gona hate! :p
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i have my levers set at my line of sight too, maybe a little down. im 168cm and i cant stand having em up too high, although a little low is ok, but can make it rather annoying for reaching front brake lever in a hurry !!
Athough, having them down far is great for when your constantly standing up on the pegs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Ok so apparently lever level isn't much of a big issue for everyone?

I stand by the my low ones, given I don't do a great deal of tree bashing on the mini.
Geez this guys getting a bit upset about being ripped about his stupid lever angles isn't he, relax bro it's Christmas you can run your levers at any stupid angle you want bahaha.
I run my gear lever etc.. so far low people ask me if there loose :p its cause im tall and when im hanging over the bars thats where they have to be
The camera angle was a bit fooked but I thought it was worth a post anyways!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The camera angle was a bit fooked but I thought it was worth a post anyways!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Although that camera angle makes the lever look about right not to low not to high, just right....sorry couldnt resist! :hidesbehindsofa:

You have a new youtube subscriber!! Whens the next one coming??
I wish I could tell you real soon mate! But the truth is I've got to get my shifter issue sorted first. As soon as I do that I'll start organising another QMR ride day, they always produce top footage! ;)
Sinister video is up, hope ya'll like it!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
That was unreal Cordogs !

Old mate bouncing off the tyres was sick

I've always thought rip it up would be a good song to mix with footage and then this pops up :action-smiley-033:

28 days can

28 days can

28 days can .... ...
Lol yeah that poor young Flaggy got put on the worst corner, I don't know how many times I fixed those tires up?

It gives you an idea on how damn slipery that track was at the start of the day hey!

I nearly chose "rise against Satellite" but thought it really needed an Aussie song, and the sunkloto songs I had didn't quite have the same feel.

Cheers for the feedback! :thumbup: