MY Agb-27, (A.K.A Atomic AX, Orion Pro?, Tomahawk, Field Pro) frame cracked up around the top shocky mount, it tore up the rear of the square tube it's mounted on, and there were quite bad stress cracks around the front of the mount... I doubt it would have been a problem if the bike was made a little better, the square tube going between the side spars is only about 1mm thick which is way too thin, the shock mount wasn't welded around the back where the shock forces up, and the reinforcing gussets on either side of the mount were put in where they didn't do anything...
I contacted the eBay seller I purchased it from and they sent me a replacement frame... it had the same faults as the old one so I decided to do a quick and rough repair job on the old frame.. and wait and see where it breaks next... Down the track I'll brace up the spare frame and swap my running gear over...
There's another thread here by DanFX about the side spars breaking on an AGB-27, so I wanted to do some other reinforcing as well:
I started by cutting out the gussets and hammering the mount down so the bits ripped up from the tube were back in place.
I contacted the eBay seller I purchased it from and they sent me a replacement frame... it had the same faults as the old one so I decided to do a quick and rough repair job on the old frame.. and wait and see where it breaks next... Down the track I'll brace up the spare frame and swap my running gear over...

There's another thread here by DanFX about the side spars breaking on an AGB-27, so I wanted to do some other reinforcing as well:

I started by cutting out the gussets and hammering the mount down so the bits ripped up from the tube were back in place.