Crf 50 or Klx Style, What do you like better?

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TTR style :D

Nar its simple.

10" = Crf
12" = Klx

12" bike with Crf plastics just doesnt feel good at all.
I like BOTH :D But has to either be a CRF50 or KLX110 to be really called that haha...Na but both are good!
yea i loveeeee the look of the crf50s but i cant decide on what to get!!!! cheers for your imputs guys :)

GENUINE CRF50 OR KLX110 and you will be happy with either Jap Bike for sure! Depends on if you rather like the feel of a Midsize/KLX110 or a real Mini/CRF50 ;)
Bilco the X2's looks sick! with the 10 inch wheels.. if you want that size bike , then that is a good choice of bike for sure.

But if you want something bigger with 12 inch wheels go klx syle or crf70 style .
a minibike is never to small. if you want to go bigger so you feel comfortable then get a big bike

Wondering why i have a midsize :rolleyes:
crf 70 for a midsize, crf 50 for a mini.
KLX style is ****house, looks like crap and it's annoying as hell when you need to take the plastics on and off
Ya little girl rip lol . all you do is complain how hard it is to take the plastics off . its not that hard lol

klx do look kinda ugly tho... but on the right bike they can look siiiik
I reckon the sideplates make it ugly , the BBR sideplates look alot better.
lol It's just a pain in the ass with all those nuts n bolts that don't even line up properly, then you get a crf 50 and undo a couple bolts and pull the whole seat off with the plastics, easy as
i would say its like asking do i want a truck or a plane.... both completely different playing fields crf is known for as MINIS, klx are known as take your pick what you want
12 inch crf70 , 10inch crf50

lol It's just a pain in the ass with all those nuts n bolts that don't even line up properly, then you get a crf 50 and undo a couple bolts and pull the whole seat off with the plastics, easy as

So your gonna buy a different style of bike because the plastics may take a whole 30 seconds long to take off..

yeh sounds like you've got good advice.