crf or x4r??

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Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2008
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Hey guys

I need a bit of help trying to decide on my next bike...i cant decide whether to go for a crf50 n mod it...or an willing to spend 3k-3500....wld i be able to build up a good crf50 for about 3k-3500 or shld i go for the x4r and save some dollars?? my main concern is making the crf comfortable for me to ride as im a smidge over 6ft.... the x4r would be fine for me straight outta the crate...i could go buy it tomorrow n start riding straight away

im gonna be using it on the track me and a mate r building and for sum jumps as we're building a ramp too

any advice would be appreciated

a modded crf50 will have nothing compared to an x4r or lxr or better yet the new revmx or new cini 175z, but if your picking a mid size then go for a linkage bike.
they jump and handle better

besides your comparing bikes like apples and oranges. completely different bikes and even in different race categories.

also 3500 wouldnt touch a crf50, youd only be half way there..
mate ive got a crf and a x4r and i reckon the x4r is a lot more fun on the track and ramps and the crf is more fun at sk8 parks and bmx trails but i race the x4r and its a blast you can go linkage if ya wan tbut i still preffer non linkage if i could get an x4r with crf style swinger on it id nevver get off it
your main difference between the two bikes is reliability so i would personally go for the crf50 mod because you will have it forever and all youll need to do is maybe get a new chain and sprockets once a year. The x4r is sort of being out dated aswell because of the new ttr style bikes like the lxr and revmx bike. And also im almost 6 foot and i ride a stock crf50 and i dont complain but everyones different
your main difference between the two bikes is reliability so i would personally go for the crf50 mod because you will have it forever and all youll need to do is maybe get a new chain and sprockets once a year. The x4r is sort of being out dated aswell because of the new ttr style bikes like the lxr and revmx bike. And also im almost 6 foot and i ride a stock crf50 and i dont complain but everyones different

yehh the thing that was pushin me more towards a crf is the reliability...but just the cost of modding it puts me off
mate my first china motor is still going and its 6 years old now just keep ontop of timiing and oil change and doo the rings once a year if you are racing mine got me through 5 race seasons done just as much as wat my crf did look afta anything and it will last ive broken every part of a crf including bending a conrod and blowing a gear box so they both can break
mate my first china motor is still going and its 6 years old now just keep ontop of timiing and oil change and doo the rings once a year if you are racing mine got me through 5 race seasons done just as much as wat my crf did look afta anything and it will last ive broken every part of a crf including bending a conrod and blowing a gear box so they both can break

thats true...i dont mind the revmx...only 2k aswell....wat r the zongshen engines like??
Go the crf, there heaps of fun. for 3500 you will get the basics mods done, and get it comfy to ride.

Yeah! For $3500 you could buy an Already Modded CRF50 with Quality Parts instead of starting from scratch.

But up to you in the end...there is a lot of difference between a Modded CRF50 and a Midsize in Size and Speed/Power etc. so it comes down to what suits you really.
get a crf if u have 3500! looked on ebay? theres heaps of full mods more that much $$
hmm build one i reckon lol because then you can get exactly what you want and its also fun to build it and its fun watching it get built .
hmm build one i reckon lol because then you can get exactly what you want and its also fun to build it and its fun watching it get built .

yeh i reckon it wld be good to build one....wat exactly have u done to urs??
just throwin out there...but at the shop they've got the motovert pro's on sale for 2350....are they worth it or not?
2 different bikes! If i had the all the money in the world id mod a crf! but i dont. if you want a crf to perform similar to the x4r then you are going to have to spend alot of money! If you like stockas get the crf! Its like saying what should i get a ford focus or a ford falcon it all depends on what u want it for!
2 different bikes! If i had the all the money in the world id mod a crf! but i dont. if you want a crf to perform similar to the x4r then you are going to have to spend alot of money! If you like stockas get the crf! Its like saying what should i get a ford focus or a ford falcon it all depends on what u want it for!

yehh i dont wanna spend alot of money....i wld definitley go crf if i was....i want it mainly for some freestyle( building a ramp atm) and riding the track that were goin to make soon

i wld need to get a better frame, swinga, bars, rear shock and front suspension to make a crf strong enuf for freestyle and chuck in a 88kit for more much wld i be lookin at for that? and is there nething else i might have left out??
id probbly just build the crf up purely for freestyle n just keep my dhz125 for everything else...altho i was reading thump's review on the revmx and they pretty good value but i reckon a crf wld be way more fun n easier for freestyle
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lol its not about how easy it is! i think the rev mx would be a better buy if you after performance! You'll spend min 4gs to have a crf freestyle bike and you'll have people on revmx's going faster an bigger!
lol its not about how easy it is! i think the rev mx would be a better buy if you after performance! You'll spend min 4gs to have a crf freestyle bike and you'll have people on revmx's going faster an bigger!

yeh true....i think im just gonna go for the revmx...hard to beat it for value lol