crf50 need help/what yas think???

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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2007
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hey guys

need some help,might be buying this 50 and what do you think is its gen crf50 and do you think its s genuine crf engine??? it apparently has a 88cc kit and he thinks its a kitaco but ive never seen a black barrel before and it looks pretty stock to me what do yous reakon???

also where is the engine number located???

and do yas think that the forks are rakked out or is that how they look stock they just seem abit rakked out but maybe because its cause i cant see the full bike???

and do they look like +1 legs?

here's some pics:




I wouldn't waste your money on that, looked racked to me and looks like a stock head and carby could be wrong though.
engine number is under the ignition cover

near the foot peg mounts
nah should be the same cuz theres no were else they can really be
Hes right bout the engine no...same place as my stock Z engine. Frame looks bent, forks look stock and stock air cleaner...i doubt anyone would leave that on with a 88 kit
If the frame is bent then the bike has obviously had a good thrashing possibly by some person or persons that are not light weights. So would u think the motor is going to be in good condition? Id pass on this bike I think
just ask the dude heeps of questions , its obviosly hasnt got a bore kit on it with the black barrel and airbox thing still on it .. unless there not recent pictures or something..

i dont think the frame looks bent? .. and looks pretty good condition to me
and im not to sure but dont really look like +1 legs/

just looked at the other pics.. looks a little bent in the pics with the makita sticker kit...
if i was you i would probly buy it lol... coz im very inpatient , but if you got patients wait and you will definately find a better deal.
on that ebay listing it claims that haro bars are 150$
i no for a fact they arnt there about 75$AUD if that.
if the fella says its got a 88kit but it doesnt id watch it

might be stolen....

seems like the guy doesnt know waht hes on about
yer i probly wouldnt trust him .. if it doesnt have any bid just offer a little less and see what he says its ending today isnt it? .. yer id probly wait if you can lol..

and my 50 engine well well well... he forgot to send the stock carby with it , and he told me he would send it if i wanted but i said nar dont worry becoz i was gonna put my bore kit on it , but now im selling bore kit so it probly wont be running for a while :( and still need to get wiring for it...

but o well still need a fair bit of stuff to get the bike together ...
Blue 1 looks straight other 1 may hav a little rake?Both look like wheels is too close to guard to hav +1 legs,may hav h.d.springs and/or bushes.Both motors look stock but is 75/85cc cheater kits that hav black barrel and still stamped 49cc so bit hard to say.Still both good buys i think!!
Blue 1 looks straight other 1 may hav a little rake?Both look like wheels is too close to guard to hav +1 legs,may hav h.d.springs and/or bushes.Both motors look stock but is 75/85cc cheater kits that hav black barrel and still stamped 49cc so bit hard to say.Still both good buys i think!!

there both the same bike with different plastics ;)
Id keep lookin coz if this guy doesnt know much about it and he says he bought it like that then he obviously doesnt know how to maintain it and who knows what the previous owner put it through.
Id keep lookin but thats just my opinion.
now that i think about i probly would of got the blue thing .. considering i bought a stock crf50 engine for 400 wich i thought was cheap.. and a extra 400 you get everything else a complete bike thats ready to go!!

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