yer the cops in my town are total ******** ay, they pik on us skaters and just teens and stuff like they fully go of at us when we havnt even done anything wong... afew of them are ok but sum of the guy ones here need they'r badges taken of them
you will notice some are complete pricks, and some are very nice! my mates brother is alright and my mates sisters boyfriend is also a cop! he is fairly good aswell... out of uniform he's the one you would see ridding a bin down a hill or ridding a couch tide behind a car or even ute surfing
haha man just got pulled over like 20 minets ago the cop pulled a crazy handbrakie!. was for not stoping on a stop sign there like slowing down isent stoping so enyway they sead straght up ur gettiong a fine 350 and 2 demeret points when t other cop cars pulled up and was like fight so my cop was like is it big and he was like yer and the basicly told me its my licky nights and speed off! my perents woulda killed me as i have no money and currently handen out resumes fore an aprentiship coz i finished year 12!
This might bring a smile to your face crazy. Its a copper parked in a no standing zone and i can tell you there was no emergency unless you think lunch is one.