cut down 85 forks vs marzocchis ?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2009
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melbourne victoria
cut down 85 forks or marzocchis shivers? which would be best/cheapest?
for a pitster pro lxr, im mainly on big bike tracks now trying to jump around 60-80ftish,
current forks keep blowing seals and really hard to control over jumps and whoops. not fun..
i have had a ride on reefy's bike and felt much much more comfortable on it, (shilvers setup for him) just wondering whats cheapest and most effective
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Pretty good question mate.
Im curious of what others have to say about this as im about to do a full rebuild of my LXR.
I will be doing a build thread. will be a full rebuild. engine.brakes.suspension.paint.plastics,graphics. etc
60-80ft pfft thats tiny bro...

maybe just update yr gpx's to the latest versions...

woggy's never blown a seal on his and iv done same distance jumps on my dnm hornets without killing them...

also without money, lots of money your not gonna get far lol...

but to answer yr question... shivers would be cheaper i recon $990 for the dhz versions... cut down 85 forks will owe you massive amounts of coin..unless you get them from the states and pay the crazy freight charge...
I was told by someone you can fit KX 85 triple clamps and forks into some style bikes? And CRF70 on the other? Is that right? Has anyone here actually done this? The bloke I spoke to lives ages away from me, haven't gone and seen his bike.

Cuz it might be cheaper to find an old blown up KX / CRF70 and just steal the front end.
afew people have on the pitster pro lxr (what i have)
special k's lxr off planetminis with rm85 forks

yeah 80ft might not be much but its not a good feeling landing and then bouncing when landing.. same with whoop sections/bumps.. alan from broadmeadows mx told me that every big jump i go over bashplate slams into the dirt..

think just go with gpx black labels and set them up.. everyone says they work well..
Just have to get them setup right for you , no matter what the fork is .

The stock gpx's on my lxr where a little harsh but after a oil change i haven't bothered upgrading , they have been sweet.

And now they are the only Chinese thing on my soon to be finished klx ..
been talking to reefy and he said his suspention guy said they have sealed cartridges so all he could do is try oil change, mine have had that down already but still not great so far, i have blown seals so might just take it to him and see what happens..
could replace the whole internals with better ones i guess
Are you sure your blowing seals? They could be dirty and leaking. Thats pretty common.
I am near 100kg and give my suspension a flogging and have never blown a seal. They take some tinkering to get them right.
You may be over filling them. How much oil are you putting in each leg?
You are better off starting from a minimum amount and adding until its right rather than starting with them too full and having problems.