Damn you dad!

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Got half way thru your first post and the only thing I could see you need is a spanking. Then a warning for your effin this and effin that...

2 cents

How would you like it if your parents said you could get a bike, then you do all your research, buy all the gear, save up the money, then they say that you cant buy one with your OWN money. Then you buy one then he locks it up in the shed saying i either have to sell it or he'll give it away. I am going to be a diesel fitter in a year and a half and i would like to have some experience, because at the moment i know nothing
I am going to be a diesel fitter in a year and a half and i would like to have some experience, because at the moment i know nothing

well your going about it the wrong way

for starters these arent diesel engines

also read the threads if you dont know much as there are very good threads that go into the details of how a pitbike engine works and things like that but nothing in diesels
well your going about it the wrong way

for starters these arent diesel engines

also read the threads if you dont know much as there are very good threads that go into the details of how a pitbike engine works and things like that but nothing in diesels

Yeah but it will give me a rough idea of how an engine works and stuff.
hey my parents were the same, but i started off with a small broken 49cc, got it working then a dud 125cc. i proved that i could take care and fix a bike for a small price and they slowly aloud me too get a better faster bike or engine
Yeah, about 2 years ago we had pitbikes. But we had them for about 8 months until we sold them for fishing gear. But i only got bored because mum and dad would come out and just watch me and my brother ride, and none of my friends had motorbikes. But now all my freinds have motorbikes and we have a trail in walking distance, my freind has a farm. Im just gunna let it sit in the shed till they give up
mate have a think about it to try and see it from your parents point of view....have asked them why they are so ageist you having a bike do you think it could be they dont want you to get hurt there must be a reason for them not wanting you to have a bike think about it what happens if you get caught ride on public land you will cop a fine or 2 and how are you going to pay for it.. then if you fall off and seriously hurt yourself how will go to work/school when your stuck in hospital... and i know most of our parents would rather not have to see there kids in hospital.. personally i think this thread should be deleted as you are just disrespecting for dad in here im a farther so i can see where your dad is coming from so have a little bit of respect for you dad and you will soon get respect for him and you will be able have a your bike

but hey that's just my 2 cents worth
yeah what he said

mind you i think the old man should suck it up and go and buy himself a bike and take his kid riding bit of father son time wouldn't go astray. might have stopped him from being such a geek and sitting in front of the x box thing all day

suck **** i hope ya old man gives the bike away that wi teach you to disrespect his authority while your under his roof
i mean ya pez did ask you not to buy it didn't they????
Are your freinds on dirt bikes or pitbikes?
My parents where the same until we moved to the countrie then I got a 150 and snapped the axle so I brought a cheapo 140 then a yz125 2 months later
You will slowly progress but you need to properly talk to your parents
Without whining coz that will agravate them
If they still dont coem around steal it back off your dad and take to your mates or fix it and sell it
i totally agree with revmx not everyone can have what they want and if your dad says no it's no tuff luck theirs heaps of things i would like to have and do but i can't have them just yet.... remember your young still you have plenty of time to get a bike when your Older
just think your not the only one out there right now wishing they could have things they like

and you should be respectful to your father because he cares about you and most likely doesn't want you to get hurt put your self in his shoes what would you do if you were him And don't come back and say you will let your son ride because it's wrong it's easier said then done i say when you have a family and a kid when your older you might understand why he wont let your ride or have a bike or what ever

i know how you feel you just have to be patient and learn that your not going to get good things by whingeing or complaining or dis respecting other people

life sucks sometimes and you have to learn to take it as it comes
Its not like dad ever spends any time with me anyway, he goes to brisbane for atleast 3 or more days every week. Its the school holidays, my parents work full time so im stuck at home with nothing to do, so i bought a motorbike to occupy myself, pretty sure that is a better lifestyle than sitting infront of a computer all day.
well yeah i'm young (14) but i understand why parents do what they do and who knows if you cut your father some slack and be nice in the house and help out you might just get what you want
This thread is GOLD. It's like parent v children. The older members that don't have kids aren't answering, only the ones with kids. Then the youngin' getting in on it ha ha.

But being childless(well i do count ando and my dog as my children but...) I think yeah far enough let the kid vent.. better here in words then on the streets fist fighting.

But at the same time, respect your parents damn it! They are the only ones you have and they do things only because they care about you. My parents wouldn't let me have bikes either. From 8 until 18 I wanted one so badly, 10 years I waited. At 16 I have the cash, but I also had respect. 18 came, I packed my **** moved out and 2 weeks later brought a bike! Now my parents see the positive in it, plus they see I was willing to wait 10 years! I think it's shows a weakness in you what you have done by getting it... but hopefully you learnt a lesson from it!

Oh, I hope they give the bike :p
well if hes that bad you know what you need to do sit down with him and have a talk cause we can only give you so much advice... you need to find away to fix the problem and if he refuses then wait a week or 2 and try again but think twice before you say something because you say one thing wrong you might just end up losing all your chances
meh , we all need places to vent... here is his place.

Here we go again about 'venting'.

They hav places for venting. It's called facebook. Why would you go and spend 1200 on a bike your dad doesn't want you to have. It seems you don't like it when you don't get your own way.

I didn't read the other 3 pages cause I had already wasted 2 mins of my lunch break reading your little rant about how you can't have what you want.
im in a few minds about this one

yes you have way too many pointless threads

for starters how old are you

and if you were dumb enough to buy it without there permission why on earth would you tell them about it???

i was in a similar postion only about 3-4 years ago my parents were never gonna let me get a bike and i always said i was getting one sooner or latter when i lived in there house or my own some how i managed to convince them it did take about 10 years of convincing never once did i give up

they bought my first one a very cheap one and they said if you want to continue buy the rest but just before i bought my 2nd one they tried to do the same thing and all of a sudden they didnt want me to buy it some more sucking up and convincing was done

but as the respect your olds thing yes do it but i think some of you fathers are probably good fathers and all but not every father is the greatest and all and dont always care for the kids like you may
i know where this kid is coming from

i've got great perants but they never bought anything i wanted like my bmx's and skatey's and so on i mean i had to work for it my pez never sore the point in the stuff.
and as for motorbikes my mum hates them and wouldn't entertain the idea of me owning one.
until one day i rode home on my xr i'd worked had and had all the gear she hated it but couldn't tell me what to do.
now my mum has seen what i can do on a motorbike and a bmx and she has a fair amount of respect for the sports. although she still hates the fact both me and my son ride. and me as a perant i cant watch my boy sometimes, he has no fear and that worries me because i remember what i was like with no fear
man my olds have always being sweet with motorsport cus my dad , had bikes , buggys , gokarts . then wen i was like 2 and a 1/2 my dad brought me a suzuki lt50 quad , then i got into kart racing , then back to motos now gokarts a nd buggs againe , just talk to them ay
"sell" it to you mate for $1, He will keep it in his sheed and you will ride it. Then you will buy him a can of Coke(for storage) now and then and everybody is happy!

My 2cent
man my olds have always being sweet with motorsport cus my dad , had bikes , buggys , gokarts . then wen i was like 2 and a 1/2 my dad brought me a suzuki lt50 quad , then i got into kart racing , then back to motos now gokarts a nd buggs againe , just talk to them ay

Lol rub it in why dont ya

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