I went in between the 2x recommended setting's, i'm running .006" on both the inlet and exhaust.
Are you sure mate? 004” - 006” (thousands of and inch) is a pretty common clearance for minibike engines.
Yeah I know cordogs but had the owners manual right in front of me and it def says those specs I posted.......
I just got my first 190 and bike runs good with those specs but had to drop pilot jet to a 39 from a 42, pe28, cos was way too rich on idle, plug was black and dripping wet!
For now I have had to use my stock lxr/klx port header with 2 crush gaskets to run it in.
No air leaks anywhere, all has sealed good.
Just wondering whether the stock 32mm header and prob a bit of protruding gasket are making it run rich or the valves being set too tight??
Hope you guys reply can’t seem to find the 212 kit in oz so thinking of boring the cylinder out and buying a 66mm piston maybe Honda or whatever doubt I could still buy an mbf piston from Italy atm
the zs is only a 2 valve so the piston in that kit wont work with a 4 valve headHey mate
Nah there not doing them anymore
And cbf waiting from America lol
Found a zs 212 kit can’t see why it wouldn’t fit given there made at the same place
I’m really curious to know if it’s worth doing and what to watch out for like clutch and how the stock crank handles the bigger piston etc..
I swear this is the hardest info to find out lol