dhz value for money??

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Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2008
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hi i was just wondering whether anyone has experience with buying dhz off ebay
whether they value for money concerning quality and parts etc
im looking at buying gf a pitty and dont want to go over board with cash
what cc what model bike what price range u wanna stay around lil more detial wood b good but yea sum of there bikes r ok for the price

i was looking at 125 and
the outlaw 140 i think
they were going for round 850 to 950
and that bout how much i want to spend
yeh thnx im liking the look of the pit pro 125 rr
anyone had expeience with these
and where would i find different colour plastics to fit one
kens orite, and his bikes are average!

it all comes down to what you want to pay and what you expect in a bike... because you can pay as little as 800 or at max 3600...
Check out our bikes, very similar spec to the dhz and they come with a 30 day warranty, we stand behind that our bikes are well bike and made to last.

The Fused Minis Team
thanks nutracing
im definetly looking at one but they are going for $800 buy it now or should i make an offer around wat u payed??
good review btw
It probably just comes down to if your patient or not. I personally wouldnt pay 800 for the 125 because I watched a few auctions before I bought and I saw a lot of 140xr's go for around the 900 mark at auction. The 140xr is a WAY better bike, Better suspension, faster, better tyres. Just to buy the suspension alone would cost hundreds of dollars. I heard a story that 125's wernt on ebay at the moment but I could be wrong. I only bought a 125 cause i wanted the same size as my bro in law so I can race him. When I was researching on here I found that people had good things to say bout dhz and pitpro and it really came down to personal preference in looks. I say if you want a pitpro be patient and get one at auction, you'll save money that you can spend on mods. It only took me about a week to get one at my price even if you only save $100 its better in your pocket than someone elses.
thanks heaps im going with the 125 coz its mainly for my gf so i dont need lots of power etc
any chance on finding girly plastics for one lol
do other bike plastics fit?
I'm 99% sure that crf50 plastics off ebay will fit. I have seen pink ones on ebay before and thought the'd be cool for girls.
man ebay ruins our pitbike stores now the only pitbike shop around is closing down because of silly ebay
Dhz is an ebay based store too. Yes hes probably one of the better ones, but he still has the majority of his sales come from ebay, he also doesnt sponser the site which is a little disapointing.
so what sort of price are we lookin at compared to ebay prices? I totally agree in doin business with aus companies but at the end of the day the price and quality are two major factors that affect my decision.

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