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Jul 22, 2009
Reaction score
Hi, I have listed my bike now 3 times since My add keeps on dissapearing in the Mini Classifieds section.

what would be the reason for this, is it an add for a 110cc genuine thumpstar???

thanks matt
certainly is mate, couple of reasons.. 1, we have a sellers layout that is to be followd. it can be found in the sticky at the very top of the classifieds. 2. The layout MUST be filled in completely, NO exceptions.. if you have time to submit the ad, you have time to go take a photo.. Include as much information you can and as many GOOD QUALITY pictures as you can as these tend to sell bikes ALOT quicker.3. we are MEANT to enforce a 10 post before advertising rule, but I will let it slide if you resubmit your ad in the correct format and include the required pictures. Thanks mate, any trouble, pm me.

(these is a how to post pics guide in the stickys also)
I did add a couple of pictures up.

anyways I will give the add another try.

thanks for your help

cheers matty
did yoiu use the layout? it MUST be used..
yes I coppied and pasted it, can you check it out to make sure its ok.

just so nextime I can do it exactly the same.


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